Attack and After-attack

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Back to Taehyung and Y/n

A/n POV:

A stripper tried to seduce Taehyung while Y/n was gone but his cold tone scared her away. The waitress came with two drinks.

Waitress: "Sir, your order."

Taehyung: "Thank you, now you may leave."

Waitress: "Wow. I would genuinely like to compliment you, sir. Almost every rich person behaves rudely to us."

Just then a voice came from behind.

Y/n: "Yeah but MY husband is a really good person."

Waitress: "Oh I-I mean yeah."

Y/n: "Keep that second glass as well."

Waitress: "M-Ma'am. I-I'll bring your whiskey."

Y/n: "No problem with that. I can drink red wine as well."

Waitress: "B-But Ma'am-"

Y/n: "Keep it and leave please."

She went away looking a little disappointed and scared...?

Taehyung: "Come let's drink."

Y/n: "Well... I'm not gonna drink much."

Taehyung: "Yeah neither will I. We have to go back using a bike. I don't want to lay on some footpath looking wasted."

Y/n: "Me too."

Y/n sat down.

Taehyung: "What happened?"

Y/n: "I don't know. But this place isn't giving me good vibes."

Taehyung: "Yeah I thought this club was good. Let's just finish this drink and go if you're feeling uncomfortable."

Y/n didn't want to be a mood spoiler but her instincts were forcing her. So she nodded. They finished their drinks and headed out.


As they came on the road, Taehyung looked in the mirrors.

Taehyung: "Y/n."

Y/n: "Hmm...?"

Taehyung: "Why aren't the guards following us?"

Y/n looked back.

Y/n: "It's empty? Not even a single car."

Taehyung: "Why am I sensing trouble?"

Y/n: "We have guns, right?"

Taehyung: "Yeah."

Taehyung: "Y/n, come in front."

Y/n: "What?"

Taehyung: "Come in front and shoot. Someone's following us."

Y/n: "And I thought it was supposed to be a romantic ride."

Y/n changed her position carefully but not slowly as people following them started shooting. Taehyung increased the speed. His jacket was thick and bulletproof. Finally Y/n managed to sit in front of Taehyung facing him, his body shielding hers. She took out one gun from his jacket and started shooting while Taehyung was constantly accelerating while trying his best to dodge the bullets. Due to the continuous snake-like movement of Taehyung's bike, they couldn't get their target correct. And then Y/n started aiming at their drivers and tires.

Y/n: "There are too many of them."

Taehyung: "Don't worry. Just keep shooting them down."

She continued to shoot as Taehyung tried his best to protect both of them.

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