Am I face-palming?

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We both left the room. Just then Jimin also came out and said...

Jimin: "Ah Taehyung-ah! I think you were right about Y/n. She is very strong. Nearly defeated Jungkook."

Jungkook: "Jimin-Shi. I won the match. Don't you remember?"

Jungkook popped out of nowhere.

Jimin: "That was because Y/n had to practice judo so she dismissed the match or else you would have lost."

Taehyung: "Yeah but that's because she is MY Y/n."

He said, smiling widely.

Jungkook: "Yeah yeah... Now stop boasting and let's go down or else Jin hyung will eat us as his dinner."

We all laughed and headed down.

A/n POV:

They all went down just to see everyone sitting at the dinner table waiting.

Jin: "Finally you all showed up. Now only one left... *sigh* Close your ears."

Everyone did so.


Yoongi: "Why are you yelling? I have come."

Jin: "Come late as always. The food had to wait because of you."

Yoongi: "And I had to disturb my sleep because of you."

Jin: "Aish! Just sit. (mumbling) Lazy sloth."

Yoongi: "What?"

Jin: "Nothing."

They all started having dinner. There was silence for sometime then J-Hope turned to Y/n.

Hobi: "Is it true Y/n that you defeated Jungkook."

Jin, Namjoon: "WHAT?"

Yoongi just looked up in shock.


Hobi: "Jimi-"

Jimin urgently started signalling him to stop.

Jungkook: "YAAH! JIMIN-SHIIII !!!"

Jimin: "I didn't say you lost though."

Hobi: "So, is it true?"

Y/n: "Actually, I had to practice judo so we never completed the match. We just decided to make Jungkook the winner."

Hobi: "So finally we have someone who can challenge Jungkook. Yay!"

He started clapping.

Namjoon: "Anyway. Did you both train her properly? Did you tell her the important moves by which she can win?"

Jungkook: "Yes hyung. We practiced hard."

Namjoon: "Good. I want good grades in this one."

Y/n: "And I will get them. I've been trained by Jimin and Jungkook of Bangtan after all."

Time skip

Y/n's exams are over. She has just come out of the examination room and is currently taking out her stuff from the locker since she will not return. They are supposed to empty their lockers and hand over the key to Mr. Kang, Sports Professor.

Mr. Kang: "I am feeling bad you are leaving. You were the best student I had in ages."

Y/n: "Even I am feeling bad about leaving the university Sir. I also loved attending your classes."

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