"Fine, whatever." 

Walking away, I was ushered to follow my boss into the back to have a conversation about my failure to show up for work.

Rafaele and Angel tried to follow us, but I assured them that I would be fine and that I wouldn't try anything.

"Where have you been?" My boss asked once we were out of earshot, goosebumps pimpling my arms as a result of standing in front of the freezer, a breeze brushing past my skin everytime someone opened it.

I sighed, because I wasn't sure where to begin. I couldn't exactly tell him I was kidnapped and that Mateo's father is the leader of a Mafia. 

I mean I could, but there's no way he'd believe me. That's like telling your teacher your Hamster ate your homework. It's just outrageous and quite frankly, unrealistic.

Of course, my reasoning behind not being at work was true. But telling him could also be putting him at risk. Tristan's psychotic as hell and I don't need another murder on my hands.

So I made up a lie instead. "Mateo's sick."

"You couldn't call and let me know that?" He asked, the wrinkles in his face softening at hearing my son wasn't feeling well.

The old man is such a sweetheart. I hate lying to him like this, but it's for the best. Staring into his dark brown eyes, I had to swallow the truth trying to surface.

Telling him what really happened would put him in harm's way. And if Tristan hurt him in any way I would never be able to forgive him or myself.

"I lost my phone," I told him, which wasn't a total lie. Tristan most likely has something to do with it. He's hellbent on keeping all technology away from me, especially after what happened yesterday.

Poor Arturo...

He didn't deserve what happened to him.

"Okay, well I'm willing to let this one indiscretion slide." A smile crossed my features. "But just this once," he added. Hugging and thanking him, he smiled. "Make sure you bring Mateo by when he's feeling better."

Pulling away from him, I grabbed my apron off the rack and nodded. "I will."


Sighing heavily with exhaustion, I hung up my apron and clocked out for the day.

Ten hours of flipping burgers, frying french fries, and making milkshakes for customers reminded me just how much I miss not having to work.

I could just quit. Tristan would love that. But I need this job. Not just for Mateo, but so that I can one day go to college and eventually cosmetology school.

I'm sure with the connections Tristan has my license could be shipped to me by tomorrow. But that's not how I want to go about things.

I want to do things my own way as I've always done my whole life. Besides, it won't feel as rewarding if I don't work hard to earn it.

"I'm going to head out now, Benny."

My boss, who was in the back wiping down the grill, stopped what he was doing and made his way up to the front counter. "Okay." He glanced at Tristan's bodyguards behind me. "Who are those guys?" He asked in a whisper.

"Uh, they're my friends," I lied, really only referring to Rafaele because I actually do consider Angel a friend.

"Are you sure?" He glanced at them once more before bringing his attention back to me. "The one with the baby face I might believe. But that one with the man-bun looks like he wants to burn the place down and possibly murder me."

I suppressed a nervous laugh, waving him off as if his words held no truth to them. "Oh Rafe? He's harmless."

Another lie.

God, I hate this.

"Oh okay. Are they going to be here for every shift?"

I nodded. "Yeah, unfortunately."

"Okay well in that case, they need to buy something next time. I don't do freeloaders."

"You got it, boss."

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