Chapter 10: Getting Better ♡

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(Alex's POV ❤)

Vince gave me some time off, because he knew something was wrong with me and in need of a break to think right and to get my life straight. I watched every episode of Raw and Smackdown, I was just thinking of my return, and how I was going to get my Woman's title back.

(1 year later)

A lot of thing happened last year, I got closer to Joe again, and I've been talking to this one Superstar... Alberto Del Rio. I didn't really liked him but he was a great guy but I don't see him more than a friend.

I was watching Survivor Series when I saw my buddy Joe and 2 other guys attacking Ryback. Right when Survivor Series ended I received a call from Joe.

Me- Hello?
Joe- Please tell me that you saw my debut?!
Me- Bro that was awesome! That triple powerbomb was beast!
Joe- I know! My god can't wait for your return!
Me-Me either! 2 more months and I'll be there ! I'm working out already, getting back in shape.
Joe- Uyy I see you swolenation.
I was cracking up when I heard that,
Me-Joe you're cray cray, but ya tu sabe I'm fit and sh-
???- Joe hurry up and tell that bitch you're talking to, to shut up and that you have to get ready to head to the bar!
I got cut by one of his friend yelling at him.. damn he's rude...
Joe- I'm sorry Alex, don't listen to this dork he's stupid.
Me- It's cool, now I'll let you go do your stuff, bye Joe see you soon.
Joe- Alex please don't listen to him he'-
Me- Joe it's cool, go do your thing haha bye!
Joe- Bye Alex love you sis!
Me- love you too bro!

I hanged up and went back to watch Criminal Minds... I still had that guy in my head, why was he being rude if he didn't even knew me ? Oh well I'll get over it...

The Heart Wants What It Wants ♡ A Dean Ambrose Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now