Sandy hills (Whilemina)

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"Ms, y/l/n?" I blink and meet her piercing gaze. "How can I help you?"
My heart stings. Tears prick my eyes.
Her phone rings and she annoyingly sighs "Ms. Venable." Her conversation lasts a few seconds before she hangs up and stands. "Ms. Y/l/n if there is anything you need help with please ask, otherwise I'm needed elsewhere" I just stand there, speechless. Does she not know what the fuck happened to me?
She sighs and begins walking towards me. I subconsciously run the bruises on my arm, hidden by my hoodie. She looks at me expectantly before shaking her head and brushing past my sore shoulder, out the door.

The clicking of her cane echoes down the corridor matching the silent tears streaming down my face. Once the sounds of her came diminishes I let the sobs I was holding in free. My body shaking as the pain I feel is no longer just physical. Once my sobs subside I collect myself as best I could before turning and walking down the corridor. My mind set on going home. As I'm exiting the administrative wing and into the empty main hall. I hear her cane coming closer and closer. I can see the exit but before I can reach it Whilemina appears from the neighboring wing, right in front of me.

I freeze and just stand there "y/n" her voice is soft she reaches for my cheek and wipes the tears I didn't know were there. "Honey-" she stops herself and retracts her hand as a student emerges from the hall. "Follow me to my office" she tells me, her strict and cold persona back once again. A sob escapes my dry lips. She begins to walk in the direction of her office. Overwhelmed I continue my mission to get the fuck out of here. The sound of the door opening causes her to look over her shoulder "y/n!" I hear her yell but the sound of the door shutting behind me cuts her off.

I walk to my car and go home.

The next day I show up at school. Eyes puffy, wearing the same hoodie and leggings. I skip all my classes hiding in my comfort teachers classroom, Ms. Winters, she has all my assignments sent there and during lunch I hide out in the bathroom. When the bell signaling the end of lunch rings I wait for the halls to clear out before exiting the bathroom. I creak the door open and take a peek seeing the coast was clear I step out and as I'm about to walk towards the classroom. Whilemina stops me "Ms. y/l/n" shit I slowly turn and look at her. "I've got to get to class" she lifts one of her perfectly shaped brows. "Oh you mean all the ones you missed? Or Ms. Winters class?"

I open my mouth to speak but just decide to not. "My office, now" I hang my head and reluctantly make my way to her office. Once inside she closes the door behind her. She takes a seat in her chair and laces her fingers together. Once her eyes meet my sullen ones her character seems to shift. She clears her throat and fixes a stack of papers on her desk. "Ms. Y/l/n" my heart is pierced for the hundredth time. "Please. Just y/n." Whilemina bites her lip and corrects herself. "Y/n are you okay?" I bite my lip feeling the tears threatening to spill.

"Now you ask." She seems a little taken aback.
"Well-" I cut her off "you didn't seem to care two days ago when I came actually wanting you to ask. When I wanted your affection. When I just needed you to hug me and tell me everything is alright. For fucks sake Whilemina I got pushed off a 20 foot hill onto hard sand! I'm lucky I have no serious injuries! I know you heard about it and the audacity to see me and not even ask if I'm okay or who hurt me." The tears are falling freely at this point.

Whilemina stands and tries to wrap her arms around me but I push them away "No! I don't want anything from you." Whilemina just stands there simply not knowing what to do. I sniffle and laugh "why me? Why did you pick me? Did you even care about me? I mean I got shoved off a fucking cliff because of you and you didn't even care to ask who tried to kill me?"
Whilemina looks hurt and I immediately feel bad.
Her phone begins ringing causing her to jump a bit. She breaks our eye contact and clears her throat before reaching for the phone.

As she answers I simply walk out the office and leave the building. That night I feel so hollow inside. I lay in bed crying, my body shaking. I skip the next two days telling my mother I just can't return just yet. Ms. Winters delivers my assignments to keep me updated. Finally I just can't take it. I walk into campus and straight to her office. I don't even bother knocking and just walk in. She's typing on her laptop and looks extremely irritated that someone barged in.

"Y/n?" Her eyes widen. I look at her pleadingly "I need a hug" Whilemina scoots her office chair back and allows me to sit on her lap. I lay my head in the crook of her neck and allow the sobs to escape. Whilemina shushes me gently stroking my hair and rubbing my back. Once I've calmed down a little she runs her fingers through my hair and says "I'm so sorry" I dig my face a little deeper into her neck. Her warm hand rests on the back of my hips. "I chose you because I saw something in you. You're different. in the good way." She chuckles "You're kind, joyful, beautiful extremely intelligent. My little ray of sunshine." She lifts my head and strokes my cheek.

"I do know who did this to you and believe me Adam did not like his expulsion and the revocation of his football scholarship." My eyes widen and my mouth drops a bit. Whilemina smiles and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry I shut you out. I just felt extremely guilty. I knew Adam was strange around me but I always brushed it aside. I'm so sorry y/n." I shake my head "Im sorry too, Mina. I didn't mean what I said I was just upset and wanted to hurt you too" Mina giggles "I love you" I raise my eyebrows and stare right in her eyes "excuse me?" Mina smiles softly and in the sweetest voice ever says "I. Love. You, y/n" I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her passionately. I break away to say "I love you too!"


Yes I'm back. Sorry this story is a little bland. This one was kinda based off a dream I had a few weeks back about my teacher and I.I didn't plan on going MIA for so long but I started college and have a job now so Im gonna try and update these for you guys. Anyways, I'm back and just want to let you guys know that during my little hiatus I was writing a few stories that I plan on publishing soon.


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