The Reaping, Districts 1-3

Start from the beginning

But they couldn't stay away for long. The two stared at each other, eyes flickering. You're going to be fine, she seemed to say. Your name is only in once. This is your last year. You're not going.

"Chou Futami," the Escort read out. A redheaded girl from the section opposite the young man gasped in alarm, shaking her head as she stepped forwards on shaky legs. She paused at the foot of the stairs, uttering quiet, protesting whimpers until a Peacekeeper finally had to push her forwards. The Escort seemed sympathetic, but maybe that was the young man reading too much into her clear blue eyes.

He sought out Mercy again. She nodded in reassurance. Yes, things would go back to normal soon. He didn't have to worry about Chou. And whoever the poor boy chosen was, well...he wouldn't have to worry about him either. There was nothing unusual about today.

"Cerys Bellamy."

It's just an ordinary day.

Mercy shot up from her chair, stalking over to the Escort and snatching the paper out of her hands. The Escort scowled, crossing her arms. Mercy read the paper over and over, eyes widening in disbelief.

The young man's heart had started pounding.

It took him a while to realize why he had reacted to the name. Because it was his.


It's just an...

He felt nauseous.

An ordinary day. No, that was some other poor man with the name Cerys. the name wrong.

"Draw again," Mercy ordered lowly.

The Escort placed a hand on her hip. "Unless someone else would like to volunteer, I'm afraid I can't do that."

Yes! A volunteer! District 1 churned out Careers like District 9 churned out bread. It was in their blood to volunteer.

So why was everyone so quiet?

There was a strange cloud over the boy's section. As if they were whispering to each other, "He'll be fine because he's Cerys Bellamy."

Cerys's feet were moving. He didn't fully process it until they'd carried him up the stairs and over to Mercy Crocker, where he dragged her into a tight hug. One of them was shaking. Maybe it was both of them.

Today is the Reaping for the Hunger Games.

Ah. So it was.

Cerys fled backstage to vomit into the dirt.

District 2, Masonry

Everyone was so loud.

They were always loud. But today, when everyone's minds were buzzing with anxiety, they were louder than ever. Why did the Reapings have to involve everyone in District 2?

And why wasn't Laurel Faust still safe in the Capitol with her family?

She smiled wryly to herself. Well, she knew the answer to that question, at least. She was here in a District because a genetic anomaly, a mind reader, was a monster. Laurel knew who the real monsters were, but they had no self-awareness, apparently. It was disappointing, but not surprising.

Oh, well. Laurel could make a show of messing with the Escort again. "I volunteer...for jury duty! We don't have a jury? Then I be the new Escort! What? Volunteer for the Games? That's stupid! You're stupid!"

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