The Shark and the Goldfish: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

"So you are the infamous Madison Dennings," Mrs. Parker said, sitting back in her seat to look at me, smiling. I smirked at Damien's sudden redness to his face. "What has Damien been saying about me?" Mr. Parker laughed so hard I was sure everyone in the restaurant heard. "What has he been saying about you? We would be here all night just naming all the good things he likes about you!" I blushed and this time it was Damien's turn to smirk. "Name a few," I said, curiously. Mr. Parker thought a bit. "He said you were the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and how he is quote-unquote, captivated by your defiant and proud atitude. You made him a deep man. I am glad someone like you turned someone like Damien into a good person." I looked at Damien. i stared at him for a few moments. "I turned you into a good person? How?" Damien stayed quiet for a bit until he finally answered me. "I got into a little trouble at my old school. That's all, okay? Can we please change the subject?" I didn't want to ruin this day so I changed the subject. "So, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, what do you do for a living?" I asked. I almost felt foolish, as this is what adults normally talked about to each other. "We own a very successful business. We run a few buildings all over the world. It has us travelling a lot so we are glad someone like you has Damien occupied," Mrs. Parker said, smiling. Damien blushed again. It was sort of cute... Sort of.

The breakfast was kind of boring. We ate in silence with a few questions aimed at me here and there. Then, when it was time to go, Damien pulled my chair out. "Thank you, Damien," I said, politely, even though I was confused by it. Damien smiled softly at me. "Don't mention it. Shall we?" He said, holding his arm out for me. I linked my arm through his and we walked out to the car. "I'm sorry about my parents. I never really bring a girl home to meet them," he said, as we walked. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. "But you can have any girl you want in the school! How can you not bring any girl home?" Damien kept a straight face. "Sure, I bring many girls home. I just don't introduce them to my parents. I think of them as just one night stands." I shuddered. "Ew, okay, I didn't need to heard about your sex partners! But why did you choose me?" Damien kept a straight face again but I could see a trace of a smile appearing. "I had a good feeling about you," he said, opening the car door for me. I hopped in. He has good feelings about me? He never brought a girl home? I felt so... Special.

We reached Damien's house and as we pulled in, I literally gasped. His house was a typical mansion! The driveway that went in a circle with a fountain in the middle. A pool in the backyard. Damien laughed at my expression. "Come on, let's go to my room." We went inside his house and the first thing I saw was 2 staircases that went up and met at the top. It was extraordinary. We walked up one of the stairs and went through a door. Then we went through another door until we found Damien's room. It was a typical boy's room. Sports trophies on the shelves and medals on the walls. I sat on his bed. "Wow, no wonder you like sleeping at my house. It must be pretty lonely if you are in this big house by yourself." Damien chuckled and nodded, sitting down beside me. "Yep! And I like playing Prince Charming. You know, climbing up your tree and sneaking in your room." I laughed and looked at some of the photos on his shelf. One caught my attention. It was Damien with a pretty girl. She was your perfect barbie doll. Long, blonde hair and blue eyes. Damien had his arm around her and they both smiled at the camera. "Is this your old girlfriend?" I asked. Crap! Why the hell did I just say that? Damien laughed and looked at the picture. "Nope! That's my cousin, Stacey. She's going to school in New York City. She's visiting in a week." I blushed at my mistake. Damien smirked at me. "Were you jealous?" He asked, tauntingly. I blushed again and Damien laughed. "Nevermind. Your constant blushing just answered my question. But I am pleased that you are jealous but then again, who isn't jealous whenever they see me with another girl?" I rolled my eyes. Here he goes going all flirty again. "Whatever. So, I have a few questions for you," I said, sitting down on his bed again. Damien laughed and sat beside me. "Oh no, here we go. Shoot," he said. "What kind of trouble were you into at your old school?" I hesitated to ask that but I was really curious! Damien sighed. "I got into a bad crowd at my old school. Let's just say, I could have been expelled but we were moving away anyways but it's still on my record." My eyes widened and Damien laughed. "Don't worry. I've changed. Next question!" He said, now kind of interested to hear them. "What do you like about me?" I asked. It was kind of weird. It felt like I was asking him as his girlfriend. Damien chuckled nervously and ran his hand through his hair. Aww, it was so adorable. "Well, what my parents said. You were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Honestly, Madison. I've seen hot girls everywhere but you are beautiful. No one could compare to you," he said, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed and gestured for him to go on. "And I like how you are so defiant and proud. All the girls I knew were so clingy and only let the man do stuff for them but with you, you like to take charge. That is really sexy in a girl, you know? Overall, I like many things about you but like my parents said, we would be here all night just listing them all." I blushed and tried to hide my smile but failed. Damien laughed. "Do you have anymore questions?" I snapped out of my embarrassment. "Um, what good feeling did you have about me that made you want to show me to your parents?" Damien bit his lip. "I felt like my parents would like you. They never liked any of my old girlfriends. They were all slutty and stuff. But you, I knew they would like." I held a finger up. "Wait, so they know about your girlfriends? I'm not your girlfriend though, Damien." For some reason, it hurt to say that. I saw a hint of a frown tugging down at Damien's lips. His soft, soft lips. "I know your not but I just feel like your the closest thing I have to a girlfriend, though." I smiled again and patted him on the shoulder, awkwardly. I didn't know what else to do! Damien then took my chin in his hand. "Believe it or not, Madison, I feel like I am truly and honestly...." His voice trailed off. My eyebrows scrunched together. "Truly and honestly, what? Please tell me," I said, taking his own face in my hands. Damien shook his head and let go of my chin. "Forget it. Just forget what I said. Please." I didn't want to argue with him so I let the matter drop. But I wasn't going to let go that easily. A devious smile played on my lips. Damien saw and his eyebrows dipped in confusion. "What?" He asked, confused. Before he could react, I leaned in closer and kissed him, passionately on the lips. It took a little while for him to process what was going on but then he kissed me back, wrapping his hands around me, tightly. I put my own hands on his chest and kept kissing him, emotions running through the air. Before Damien could kiss me back, I pulled away, the devious smile on my face. Damien smiled lustfully at me and leaned in to kiss me again. He stopped, however, just a few inches in front of my face. "I feel like I am truly and honestly in love with you," he said, sounding serious.



OOOOOMGGGG!!! CLIFFHANGER! Sorry! THIS ISN'T THE END THOUGH! I know all my stories are always short but I promise this one isn't going to be short! I hope you liked the ending though!

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