The Shark and the Goldfish: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

An hour later, I got dressed. I pulled on my "Kiss Me I'm Emo" t-shirt, my black skinnies, and black chucks. As I heard Danielle honk her car's horn outside, I ran out and met a smiling Danielle, waving at me. "Tell me everything!" She said, as I got in the car. I laughed. "Oh my gosh, you can't even wait, can you?" Danielle shook her head. "Nope. Just tell me every single detail!" I laughed. "Just remember. I don't even like Damien, okay? But, it all started on the first day he came to school. After school, I took the short cut to myself and almost ended up getting raped until Damien came and punched the guy out then he took me to a restaurant to eat dinner. Then, he dropped me off at my house but came back and hour later and climbed in through my window and then slept with me in my bed." Danielle's eyes got big as she heard the last part. I held up a finger. "Wait, I'm not done. Then, we went to school and he acted like a jerk as always and then I got sick so the office allowed him to take me home and he did and then he slept over in my bed to make sure I was alright and today he made me breakfast. Are you happy now that I told you?" Danielle nodded, totally sucked into my story. "Wow, you are so lucky. Did you guys do anything OTHER than sleep together?" I bit my lip, nervous. Should I tell her about me and Damien's passionate kisses? Should I tell her about our flirting? Danielle laughed. "Oh, you're biting your lip. I can see the answer to that. Honey, just because we are best friends that have nothing in common, doesn't mean I don't know your body language." I grumbled. She was right. As we pulled up into the mall's parking lot, Danielle linked her arm through mine and we walked into the mall. We decided to go to Forever 21 and get new threads. As we walked in, someone bumped into me. "Ugh! Watch it, will you?!" I said, turning around to see who it was. It was Damien. I felt a sudden urge to kick him right in his target but I restrained myself. Why was he here? I told him not to come! "I told you not to come here!" I said, pushing him lightly in the shoulder. Damien laughed. "No, you said don't come WITH you guys. You didn't say I couldn't come here by myself." I rolled my eyes. "Same difference. Are you stalking me? I don't appreciate this. It's creepy and annoying." Damien took my shoulders in his hands and shook me gently. "Relax, will you? I can do some shopping too." Just then, Danielle came back with 2 shirts. "Hey Madison, I got th--." She stopped short of what she was saying as she saw Damien, his hands on my shoulders. "Damien! Hey! What are you doing here?" She asked, looking at both of us for answers. "He was just leaving," I said, pushing Damien out of the store. Danielle rolled her eyes. "I think Damien can answer for himself." Damien smirked. "Actually, I just got here. I'm here to shop for my mother. Her birthday is coming up, you know?" He said, smiling innocently at her. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Danielle. Let's finish shopping for ourselves," I said, pulling on her arm. Danielle pulled her arm away. "No, it's rude to leave Damien here. Happy advanced birthday to your mom!" She said, cocking her head to the side, something she did when she was flirting. Damien smiled. "Thanks! I will be sure to say that to her. So, Danielle.... You are a really pretty girl, you know that right?" I felt so mad. I wanted to knock his lights out. I don't care if he was really cute and handsome! Danielle smiled. "Thanks, you are not too bad yourself. I bet you have all the girls following you around, am I right?" Damien smirked. "Some boys too, but you are correct. Are you one of those girls?" I groaned and stepped between them. "Okay, okay! Damien, we have some shopping to do. Now, please go away!" Danielle gave me a sad face and I rolled my eyes. Damien shook his head. "No, no. I am sorry to ruin your little shopping trip. Please. As you were," he said, walking out the store. Before he was completely gone. He winked. Was it at Danielle or me? I had no idea.

After shopping, we went to the food court. Danielle kept looking at me. "Oh my gosh! Stop staring! It's creepy!" Danielle laughed. "I'm sorry but I need an answer!" I rolled my eyes. "An answer to what?" Danielle laughed again, louder. "You and Damien! The way he looks at you. It's like true love or something. The way he looks at you is the way boys look at other girls in the romance movies!" I sighed. "There is no me and Damien. He's just a notorious flirt, that's all. Change the subject, please." Danielle dropped her fork and crossed her arms, trying to act all tough. "No. I am not going to eat until you tell me the truth about you and Damien. Is there something between you two?" I smirked at her. "Fine then, starve for all I care," I said, taking a big bite out of my salad. Danielle smiled, deviously at me. "So, you wouldn't care if I asked him out then, right?" I smiled at her. "Nope. In fact, go do the nasty with him. I wouldn't care at all." Danielle smiled at me. "Fine. I will." I smiled at her but inside, I felt like my stomach was going to turn inside out. Danielle wouldn't do that.... Right? And why do I have this feeling of jealousy inside? I don't like Damien one bit!

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