Chapter 46- And Then There Were None

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Belladonna's P.O.V.

From the moment I met Elenor Salvatore, I couldn't imagine a day when she wouldn't be by my side. The blonde sunshine that had forced her way into my life without my want or permission had become a staple. A shoulder that would always be there to cry on and comfort me when I need it. Like when my brother died. That was a situation I had never considered, but it would be fine. I would work through it with Klaus and Ellie by my side. The only issue was that Ellie wasn't by my side.

When Elena and Stefan had arrived from the island with Jeremy's body, Elena had a mental breakdown, unable to process it before turning off her humanity and attempting to burn down our family home. I had stopped her and threatened her life if she ever came near it again. Stefan and Damon had carted her away and I had contacted Hecate to place a spell on the house preventing her from entering or getting near it. Afterward, she had become extremely worried by my emotions that were so close to the surface that she suggested I go to the Underworld to resist the temptation to turn it off.

I assure her I'd be fine by revealing what I had known since I turned. I didn't have a humanity switch. That made mourning even harder, especially since Jenna moved up to Whittmore for her protection against Elena. I'm not sure why Ellie had abandoned me, and that's what this was: Abandonment. All I knew was that when I woke up the day after Elena flipped her switch, Ellie was gone. According to Matthew, Stefan had requested her help with Elena and she had left.

I thought that it would be a few days but a few days had turned into a few weeks and now it had been a month. Christmas had come and gone, the season no longer filling me with cheer while my brother is dead, and Ellie had never given anything more than a Merry Christmas. I had, however, made up with Caroline. Along with Matthew, the blonde had done her best to be there for me, even more so than Elena.

According to her, the Salvatores and Rebekah are both still hunting for the cure, Rebekah for herself and the Salvatores for Elena. Ellie was attempting locator spells to find Katherine, but the doppelgänger knew how to hide. It was because of her great effort to find Katherine that Ellie had been absent for the cheerleading competition and as a result, Elena had to fill in. I tried to explain to Caroline that the Sire Bond had broken when her switch flipped but the blonde was too optimistic for her own good.

That's why I didn't feel all that bad when Elena tried to let Caroline fall. In fact, I almost let it happen but Dana was super excited about this competition and it would've greatly dropped our score if Caroline dropped so I went into a triple flip and round off, landing down on one knee to catch Care, making it seem like it was part of the routine for Elena to step back. We got a big cheer and Caroline thanked me. After our turn, Stefan had taken Elena away and Caroline had dragged me to the Boarding House to look for Ellie.

It bothered her that the blonde was taking Elena's side. After what happened at the cheer competition, Caroline had decided that Elena was on her own, she would only support Stefan. I, however, couldn't care less about the youngest Salvatore and really just wanted to go home and curl into bed with Nik. Then I remember that I couldn't even do that.

Apparently, Katherine had been fed all her information by Hayley, Tyler's traitorous werewolf girlfriend. She had worked with Shane to orchestrate the hybrid massacre and as a result, she knew all about his plans for the cure. The only issue is that she was promised info on her family and all she got from Shane was that her parents were dead. As a result, it didn't take much to betray him to Katherine, but the brunette did hate loose ends so she had sent a vampire to kill her.

Hayley, not knowing what to do but sure that she was being hunted, had called Klaus claiming that he owed her for warning him about the hybrids. He had agreed to help her with the promise that she spill what she knew about Katherine's whereabouts. Matthew had revealed all this to her after Klaus arrived home with the little wolf in tow, needing all the help she can get.

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