Chapter 9- Beauty and Brains

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After second period, when Ric had no classes and the rest of the group had study hall, they gathered outside of Ric's classroom, waiting for Ellie and Bella. It isn't too long before their voices sound from down the hallway. "Newsflash, we have awful luck at dances."

"No, Elena has awful luck at dances," Ellie counters as they arrive next to the group while Bella gives her a deadpanned look.

"At the last decade dance, my life was threatened and you siphoned all the magic out of a vampire as he cried out and begged for mercy. I say that constitutes as sucky for both of us. Therefore, if you want to risk yourself at a dance that Klaus could potentially show up at to try and kill Elena, be my guest but I will be at home, safely tucked into my bed in a house Klaus can't enter watching Suits. Or The Simpsons. I haven't decided."

"Well as riveting as that conversation was," Stefan states, watching his twin stick her tongue out at Bella with an affectionate eye roll. "Let's get back on topic. See anything strange?" Elena sighs. She loves her boyfriend but she can't help but think he's a little overprotective. It isn't like Klaus would do something at a school.

"Stefan, we're fine. If something were to happen, we'd tell you," she promises.

"Personally, I think we have bigger issues," Bella speaks up.

"Bigger than Elena dying?" Bonnie wonders and the brunette nods.

"Remember what I said about the Sun and Moon curse seeming shady? Well, I've been thinking on it and a lot of things don't add up. I think that until we figure out what it really is that Klaus wants, we're at a disadvantage."

Elena scoffs. "You just want to know his motivations so you can side with him like you did Katherine."

"I didn't side with Katherine. I made a calculated alliance with her and apparently I miscalculated," she states defeatedly and even Klaric feels slight sympathy for her but more than anything he's intrigued. In the thousand years he and Elijah had allowed the curse to circulate, he had never heard of anyone who believed that there was something off about it. Sure, some didn't believe it, thinking it was too good to be true, but they never knew that something was off, so how did Belladonna.

"It doesn't matter," Stefan reaffirms to the middle Gilbert, angry at the thought that she would betray her sister to Klaus. "Klaus has to die. He isn't like Katherine. He's a real threat to Elena, Bella." Bella wanted to say that Elena was a real threat to everyone else, but she stayed silent, choosing to glare at the two instead. She didn't want to risk hurting her sister in her anger and she couldn't control her powers. "Great, now that we've planned a course of action, we should get back to our classes."

Once he's gone, Ellie rolls her eyes. "Who put him in charge?" She snaps in anger before storming away, making Bonnie and Elena leave in the opposite direction so it's just Bella and Klaric outside his room.

"What did you mean about the curse not adding up?" He couldn't help but blurt out, and Bella looks at him with a frown. She didn't really have anything against Ric. He was nice enough but he was also friends with Damon so he tended to prioritize Elena over Bella and Jeremy. He had never bothered to try and have a conversation with her outside their supernatural get-togethers after that first day of teaching. She wonders why he's doing so now before determining he's being nice.

"I don't want your pity, Ric. You don't have to pretend you're interested just because my sister and her dumb boyfriend dismissed me. I'm used to it."

"I wasn't pretending. You're right, Klaus is dangerous," he states, attempting to play his part well. "He killed Isobel and he's probably killed Katherine--"

"He hasn't."

"How do you know?" He asks curiously.

"You forget, Ric, I was actually friends with Elijah before you stuck a dagger in his heart. He told me about Klaus and from what he said, he didn't use to be so bad. Something changed him just like him murdering Katherine's family changed her. Your problem is that none of you ever stop to ask yourselves why someone might be doing this. You're so quick to demand death that you don't realize that it makes you just as bad as they are."

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