Chapter 8- He's Here

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Belladonna should be used to betrayals by now. They had happened to her many times in her short seventeen years of life. Between her so-called friends and her sister, she had learned not to trust people enough that their betrayal leads to heartbreak. Yet she truly didn't see Katherine's betrayal coming. Some may say that makes her naïve and maybe it did. After all, she was the one laying on her bed staring at the ceiling because she misses her friend who maybe wasn't her friend at all. But despite everything, Bella couldn't help but feel like there was some bit of information missing.

It was a bit like the Sun and Moon curse. There were so many variables unaccounted for that every explanation she had didn't make sense because they all led back to one conclusion. The Sun and Moon Curse didn't exist which made no sense since a thousand-year-old vampire was in town trying to kill her sister to break it. Shaking off the thoughts of fake curses and explanations for Katherine's betrayal, Bella finally rolls out of bed, plotting a way to convince Ellie that going to the sixties dance was a really bad call.

Meanwhile, at the Salvatore Boarding House, Elena and Bonnie were walking the lawyer that helped complete the paperwork to get the house in her name out. Stopping at the door, Elena takes in the three siblings. The three almost reminded her of herself, Bella, and Jeremy.

As the oldest, Elena would be Damon, who often tried to take control of his siblings to bend them to his will in effort to protect them. Ellie was Bella, the middle child who cut herself off from others because it was easier but always found compassion for her siblings, if not their romantic interests. Stefan would then be Jeremy, the sibling with a slight addiction who tried their hardest to do the right thing, even though it hardly worked.

The comparisons almost make her smile but when she looks at Ellie she is reminded of another similarity she shares with Belladonna. The blonde Salvatore scares Elena. Her anger is in a far more vocal way than Bella's is, however. While Ellie will outright threaten Elena's life, sometimes, only in small flashes, Elena can see true rage in Bella's eyes. It's this darkness that glosses over her typically vibrant blue eyes and sends chills up your spine as if they're saying that whatever you think is the worst type of torture, she'll show you worse.

It was the thing that compelled Elena to always keep the middle Gilbert down. She was worried, even more so now that she was a vampire, that if she really allowed herself to feel the fury that hides behind indifference or sadness then Mystic Falls as a whole may never recover. You may be wondering what is bringing these thoughts to Elena's mind. The answer is the death glare that Elenor is currently shooting her as she invites Stefan in after the two Salvatore brothers attempted to walk in, confirming that their plan had worked.

Ellie is now not only pissed that her idiot brothers had given Elena their house, but she's also pissed that she seems to think she has leverage over them now. "Damon, Elenor, if I agree to invite you into my house, do you promise to obey its owner?" Damon opens his mouth to smart off but Elenor's temper is officially gone at how Elena has so quickly claimed her house, the one that belongs to Ellie's family, as her own. So before Damon gets the chance to speak, Elena falls to the ground coughing up blood.

"Let's get one thing straight, Elena," the blonde sneers as Stefan and Bonnie rush her. "I don't care if you live or die. At this point, the only reason I'm even still here is because Bella loves you despite how awful you treat her. But make no mistake, if you ever try to leverage me again, thinking you have some sort of hold on me, it won't be Klaus you need to worry about." With her final words, she ends the spell as Elena begins to gasp for air in an attempt to catch her breath.

Once she has it, she looks at the blonde, attempting, and failing, to mask her fear. "Come in." Ellie does as told and makes sure to slam into her brother's shoulder on the way.

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