Chapter 31- Come With Me

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A few days later, it was time for the decade dance. Belladonna really hated decade dances. Rebekah, however, had decided the 70s were lame and did the 20s instead since she didn't really get to experience them the way she wanted to. She had tried to get all her siblings to agree to come but Kol had said he'd rather be back in his box than a high school dance, then she had walked in on Elijah and Katherine and decided she just didn't want to ask anymore, which left Klaus.

Klaus was in the living room on the claim that it had the perfect lighting at that time of day. Really he was just painting Belladonna who was sitting on the couch reading a book. He thought she looked beautiful and wanted to capture the sight, even if it meant Ellie and Kol were silently making fun of him. He was so deep in concentration as he attempted to get her vivid blue eyes just the right shade that he didn't hear Rebekah come in until she spoke. "Nik, you're coming to the 20s dance tonight, right?"

"No," he states, leaving no room for questioning. He had been to one of those dances before and granted, it had been that night that he truly saw what Belladonna was capable of intelligence wise, he would still prefer not to be around a bunch of high school idiots.

"But Bella's going," Rebekah tries and Bella looks up from her book for a couple reasons. First, Rebekah is a bitch to her all the time. In fact, the Gilbert girl would wager that the blonde hated her, which wasn't true. If anything, Rebekah was just jealous. She wanted a friend that was as devoted to her as both Ellie and Kat were to Bella and while she had tried for a thousand years, friends just seemed to fall into Bella's lap and she refused to be one of them. It was a poor excuse and it prevented Rebekah from being friends with the Gilbert girl despite her desire for a friend.

The second reason she was glaring at her was that she most certainly was not going to a decade dance. It didn't matter that it was the 20s and Bella had always wondered what it would be like to live the Gatsby lifestyle. She had been in danger at the last two decade dances and they were lame anyway. "No, I'm not. Don't volunteer me for that bullshit ever again." Her response surprised the two youngest Mikaelsons. They had learned that Bella had a temper, but she had never lost it for no reason before.

"Not that I don't agree, Darling, but what exactly makes the dance so dreadful?"

"Besides my attempted murder at the last two?"

"Oh sod off, I wasn't going to kill you," Klaus snaps, looking at the blue-eyed girl who rolls her eyes.

"Well, I didn't know that. Besides, Damon tried to kill me at the one before that. That was the first time Ellie told them that if they ever tried to kill me she would make them suffer. Such a shame that they never listen." As if deciding that this conversation is too boring for her tastes, Bella goes back to her book, and Rebekah huffs.

"Please, Nik. I didn't get to go to homecoming because that bloody doppelgänger drove a dagger through my heart. Now I have been gracious enough not to kill her so the least you can do in return is go to this dance with me." Bella laughs at the conversation under her breath as it goes back and forth like that for a while before Klaus finally reminds Rebekah that she helped plot his death with said doppelgänger, which then draws Kol into the conversation.

He was genuinely shocked. He knew that Rebekah had always had a better relationship with their mother than any one of them besides Finn but then again she had always adored Nik. He couldn't believe that she had tried to kill him. As much as he hates to admit it, it pains him to think about what it would've been like if he had been awakened from his slumber to find his big brother dead. It surprised Klaus that Kol was jumping to his defense  but it was welcomed and Bella thought it was great.

Until she saw Ellie's face. The Salvatore girl clearly wanted Belladonna to talk Klaus into going to the dance, but that would mean that she would have to go and she really didn't want to. Their silent argument continues for a few more moments before Bella caves, agreeing with Ellie that it is sad that Rebekah has never gone to a school dance before, and if she has to suffer through one more for her to get the perfect experience, it could be a good thing. Rebekah clearly needed a friend and Bella was more than capable of being one if she wanted to.

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