Chapter 39- Catching Up

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The day after the dinner party, Klaus decided to head to Italy with Elijah to look for the stupid sword so Ellie decided that I was worth her time again. I'm aware that I'm being dramatic about all of this and I get that Ellie feels a kinship with Klaus, but to be fair, she was my friend first and the more I think, the more I realize how desperate this sounds so I'm going to stop. Anyway, Ellie and Kat decided that we needed a catch-up after my big reveal about Care and I dating which is how the four of us find ourselves sitting in my bedroom staring at each other.

"I'm sorry, but is this weird for anyone else?" Caroline asks. "I mean I knew you guys were all friends but it's kind of freaky to see the vampire that looks just like my best friend who killed me just sitting across from me."

"Trust me, Caroline, if I hadn't been so caught up with Elijah, I would've advised Bella to pick a better bedfellow."

"You let her sleep with Klaus," Caroline says in an offended tone and Katherine rolls her eyes.

"Well, speaking from experience, Klaus is great in bed."

"Okay, now that we've got the bitchiness out of the way," I begin. "You guys said that you wanted to catch up away."

"Okay, I'll start because Katherine's a bitch," Ellie jokes and Kat elbows her. "Not that I'm not super happy for you, but when did this happen?"

"Honestly, yesterday. I told you about how I was in that really weird place and how I was confused about my feelings for her. I kind of went off on her before Rebekah's party and after I accidentally teleported out of Klaus's house, I ended up in front of her house and we talked it over."

"Well I'm happy for you," she expresses.

"I'm disappointed in your choices, but also happy for you," Katherine adds and I roll my eyes.

"Gee, thanks. Now, onto the far more important matter, what's up with you and Klaus, Ellie? Are you two like, together now?" I try and keep the jealousy out of my voice because I don't want to hurt Caroline, but the truth is, the thought of it hurts. I know that I have no claim over Klaus anymore, yet the thought of him being with my best friend upsets me for some reason.

"God no, he's like my brother." This makes Care, Kat, and I look at her.

"Babes, you have two brothers already."

"Plus Klaus isn't really brother material," Katherine points out.

"Doesn't he kill his siblings?" Caroline wonders.

"He does it out of love," I state, realizing that it's an awful defense and deciding to change it up. "He did it to protect them because he was worried Mikael would torture them to get to him. Now he just makes idle threats that he knows he can't follow through on because Kol hid the daggers."

"Does Klaus know that?" Kat questions.

"How do you know that?" Ellie counters.

"He told me." Upon their looks, I continue. "What? Kol and I are friends. We talk all the time, especially since you two bitches ditched me for your new boyfriends."

"God, for the last time, I am not Klaus's new girlfriend he's me I guess."

"What do you mean?" Caroline asks and Ellie sighs, which I understand. She hates telling people this because nobody really understands how she feels. Nobody except Klaus. God, I feel like such a bitch right now.

"Well, you're a vampire, like Kat or my brothers. The witches see you as vermin on the earth and all that, but you're something they can come to accept. Klaus and me, we're different. We're abominations, something to be locked away because we aren't meant to exist and nobody understands that feeling. Hell, even his hybrid sires have a kinship with each other. Meanwhile, Klaus's werewolf aspect was locked away and I killed a coven of witches that tried to lock me in a prison world."

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