Chapter 35- Recovering

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How do you tell your best friend that her boyfriend cheated on her? Answer: don't. Trust me just...don't. Tell somebody else that has a huge mouth and let them tell her, she'll probably believe it more.

It took me a while to figure out what was off about Tyler and it was the guilt in his aura that struck me. He had nothing to be guilty about and it kept increasing as time went on, particularly around Caroline. After that I just...guessed. I confronted him about it and he tried to threaten my life so I reminded him who was really stronger and told Care.

I had heard about the 7 stages of grief but I had never put much thought into them until I had to watch Caroline hit every single one in the span of three hours. We were in her room and I broke the news gently. Denial lasted the longest. That took up two hours. She kept trying to tell me that I was wrong, that I must've accidentally charmed him into admitting a lie. The first 20 times I told her, I promise I was really gentle. I knew how much Klaus being a dick to me had fucked me up and I didn't want her to experience that. The next thirty times, I was a complete bitch before I finally just showed her the memory.

After that came the guilt. Somehow she had managed to convince herself it was her fault. That there was something she could've done differently to make Tyler not stray. I slapped her when she said that. Not the best tactic but she clearly needed some sense knocked into her and what are best friends for?

Next came the bargaining. She wanted me to charm her into ignorance. Claimed that she would always love him and she didn't care what he had done. All I had to do was make her forget I had ever told her. I helpfully pointed out that if she didn't care then she wouldn't need me to charm her into forgetting his indiscretion.

That one led right into anger and she accused me of fabricating the memory because I was jealous that they were in love and I had nobody. She called me a pathetic, lonely whore who knew I was just Klaus's pity fuck.

She fell into depression immediately after that. Well I don't know if you can call it a depression, she just got really sad and started crying. She told me that she was sorry and she didn't mean it and that she really was the reason Tyler cheated on her. She probably said something insensitive to him and it drove him away. Apparently Matt had told her that she had the emotional depth of a kitty pool once and that had stuck with her. I made a note to kill him later.

Once she finally finished crying thanks to a tub of cookie dough ice cream, the upward turn came and she started talking about how things would get better and how she was better than him anyway. I reminded her that he used to talk shit about her all the time but he was the pathetic loser that lost someone as awesome as her and she hit acceptance.

God, being a good friend was exhausting. I totally understand why I avoided people for so long. If only I could go back to that and yes, I know that's a total 180 from my whole orgasm revelation but I've already established that I'm back and forth so get the fuck over it. I sigh, breaking out of my internal thoughts to turn to Care on her bed. "Do you think I'm pathetic for giving Klaus my virginity when I knew he was going to leave?"

"No, Bella. I never should've said that. I just didn't want to believe what Tyler had done."

"Right, but you have a point. I mean, I was idiotically devastated because I woke up alone, but I knew he was going to leave. I knew and he gave me every opportunity to stop and I didn't. From an outsider's perspective, it sounds ridiculous."

"It sounds like a teenage girl. I mean you're talking to the queen of setting herself up to fail. I mean just look at me. Damon treated me like shit and I still ran back to him like a pathetic puppy dog. He called me sad, pathetic, and shallow and I got drunk and cried about it. That was after he abused me."

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