Chapter 25- The Ring

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The morning after the ball, Elena storms to the Salvatore house to see Damon and tell him about her deal with Esther. More importantly, Esther had involved Bella and Elena was having second thoughts about Elijah and Bella dying. She may not be her sister, but they had grown up together and it would hurt for her to die. Needing someone to talk to, or maybe assuage her guilt, she headed to see Damon. Yet, when she got the door, it opened and revealed Rebekah and Damon. The blonde Original smirks at her and walks away, leaving Elena to yell at Damon. Once she finishes, she does what she came there to do and Damon nods his head.

"The biggest threat here is Bella. Not only does she have Katherine and my traitor of a sister on her side, but she's also powerful on her own. I watched her take down three Originals plus Stefan and me. Discounting that she's not going to let Klaus die without a fight, she's not going to want to die."

"Are you seriously okay with this?" The doppelgänger demands, and Damon rolls his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're getting a crisis of conscious over your sister. She turned her back on you, Elena. She's living with them and she's already linked with the rest of them."

"It's not just Bella, it's Elijah. He's never done anything but try to help us. He's good, Damon, and he doesn't deserve to die."

"Elena, you already did this. Esther is going through with the plan whether you like it or not but whatever you do, don't tell Blondie or the Little Witch or they might spill to Bella. We're finally going to be free."

"But how are we going to take Bella down?" She asks and this time, it's Stefan who replies.

"With her ring. We saw her at the grill yesterday with her two best friends. They were talking about how her power comes from that little ring on her finger." Elena frowns, something about their words not sounding right.

"She got it from my parents and she's had it since she was a kid. Where would my parents even get a ring like that and why would they give it to her?" Damon shrugs.

"Who cares? We nab the ring and we're all set so long as no one has second thoughts." Elena nods reluctantly, still thinking that there's something she's missing.


Across town, Bella, Kat, and Ellie are sitting in the Grill eating breakfast. "I'm just saying that it's a little suspicious that Klaus left your room at 8 in the morning," the blonde teases and Bella rolls her eyes.

"I already told you that we fell asleep talking. Nothing happened. We didn't even kiss. I'm not even sure if he's okay with everything." She throws the fry that she was holding back into the basket, no longer hungry as she begins to agonize over the thought that Klaus may not like her now that he knows what she is.

"Okay, not to advocate for him," Katherine begins. "But Klaus is addicted to power and you're drowning in it, Babe. He's spent his life coveting powerful beings, it's why he thrived in New Orleans before Mikael showed up and burned it down. If anything, learning who you really are is going to make him want to keep you closer. You're worrying too much. Trust me, if he wanted you dead, you'd already be running."

"I wasn't worried that he was going to kill me, but thanks for that. I'm gonna go order another lemonade." The blue-eyed woman ordered at the bar and leaned against it as she waited for them to bring her lemonade over, only to be confronted by Damon. "Look, if you're upset about last night, I couldn't care less so how about you run along, m'kay."

"You talk big for someone whose heart I could easily rip out."

"Oh, please, Damon, I know you want to kill me, but you can't. You know that Ellie would kill you if you even tried, not to mention that you're not even a match for me. You may be older than me, but we both know that I'm stronger than you. Let's not make threats we can't support." The bartender finally brings her lemonade and Bella thanks him before grabbing it and moving to walk away. Before she can take more than 2 steps, he grabs her right hand.

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