Chapter 40- A Deal To Seal Fate

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3rd Person P.O.V.

The quest for the cure had come to a slight halt. While Klaus and Elijah were digging for the sword in Italy, Conner had managed to escape, earning Ellie Klaus's ire and leading to her moving into Bella's room while she stayed with Caroline. Elena had killed Conner after he held Matt, Jeremy, and April Young hostage at the grill and Bella had discovered a Sire Bond between her sister and the eldest Salvatore, though she said nothing to anyone save Ellie.

After killing Conner, Elena had suffered through hallucinations that lead to her attempted suicide. But with the help of Bonnie's new creepy professor friend who is teaching her magic after the witches grew angry and threatened her grams for trying to stop Elena's transition, they learned the cure. All they needed was a potential to take Conner's place and they discovered Jeremy was a potential. Wanting to save his sister, he agreed.

However, they had little time and the only killable vampires in town were Klaus's hybrids so they turned to Caroline who had been distracting Klaus. He didn't much care for Caroline. He had invited her to the ball because of her relationship with Belladonna but now that the relationship had grown, he greatly disliked the Forbes girl. Yet, he was curious as to how their relationship had formed. Going from lifelong friends to lovers seemed messy and he had hoped it was true so that he could win Bella back.

Sadly, that wasn't the case. Caroline had been very open about every aspect of their relationship besides the sexual part which Klaus cared little for anyway. He never really understood the fetish of intruding on any relationship, let alone doing it simply because they were both women. No, his concern was with Bella herself. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he loved her and that scared him because the last woman he loved had turned her back on him and it had wrecked him. He wasn't sure how to love someone without giving them his whole heart and he hated it.

This is why it was so easy for Caroline to distract him because, as she discovered, he really did care for Belladonna. She had wanted to ask him why he had left her when she got Stefan's text. Elena had escaped and they needed a hybrid so she passed the information onto Klaus. He was ready to say no. He didn't care for the Gilbert girl one way or another as she had served her purpose and he wasn't sure he wanted more hybrids after Matthew, but then a thought occurred to him. Caroline had something he wanted and it was worth well more than a hybrid.

"How about a deal, Love. I give you a hybrid to save Belladonna's loathsome sister and in exchange, I want a date."

"You want to go on a date with me?" She asks in confusion. This just didn't track. Their whole conversation had focused on Bella and now he was suddenly interested in her?

"No, with Belladonna, Love. Just a single date, no funny business, I swear."

"So you want to go on a date with my girlfriend so you can woo her and steal her from me?" She questions in a tone that asks if he thinks she's stupid. But he merely shrugs at her.

"I guess it depends on what matters more. Besides, Bella isn't exactly the type to leave someone she cares for, no matter our history. I merely need a way to acquit myself and the only way she will agree is if it is for you. She cares not for Elena's life, but she does care for you. She's done much for you that I know of." Something in Caroline tells her to say no. Sure, she loves Elena, but she like actually loves Bella. More than she thought she loved Tyler and she's scared to lose her.

But then she realizes that Klaus is scared to lose her too and he'd be fine having her in a friend capacity just as much as Caroline would so she sighs, looking at his adorable puppy eyes and sighing. "Fine, but there's only one way she'll agree. See, as you know, I'm Miss Mystic Falls and they host the competition every year. Well, Miranda, that's Bella's mom, always wanted to enter Bella but Elena got super jealous and then everything with Harmony happened and Bella wasn't interested, but now she's back to herself and a total shoo-in which is great because I entered her and Ellie into the contest."

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