Chapter 22- The Dinner Party From Hell

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3rd Person P.O.V.

After Elijah had popped up in the Mikaelson mansion to learn that Klaus hadn't been the one to undagger him, the two had begun to fight so the three women made a quick exit to their rooms. Katherine had decided to share Ellie's for the time being as Klaus was clearly busy. Now, the next morning, the three had decided to head to the grill after seeing the damage that had been done. They had talked for a while before Bella excused herself to use the bathroom.

When she was gone, Katherine turns to the blonde who had told her of her supposed freedom. "So do you think that Klaus is serious? About my pardon?" Ellie hums, her eyes narrowing on her older brother. Damon was arguing with Stefan and usually, they did this at their house rather than in public. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, but focus on Stefan and Damon, I'm trying to see what they're fighting about." The doppelgänger huffs but agrees and the two women begin to hear their argument. Apparently, Stefan had tried to drive Elena off Wickery Bridge to get Klaus to send his hybrids away but Klaus called his bluff and was right. Elena was still alive but she was pissed at Stefan who was pissed at Damon for kissing Elena and undaggering Elijah.

"Well that solves that mystery, but why would Damon think he can trust Elijah?" Katherine wonders aloud.

"Because Klaus has four siblings and five coffins. He only got three of them back and Rebekah was in our cellar which makes four coffins. They still have one and if I had to take a guess, Elijah's decided to team up with them to be able to undagger the rest of his siblings. All they care about is killing Klaus."

"Well, then they are in for a surprise."

"What do you mean?" The two women ask their blue-eyed best friend in tandem.

"Well, you know what I said about training my powers yesterday?" The two nod their head. "Well, I took my ring off to do it and when I put it back on, I saw more of people's auras and vampires have these grey lines. It took me some time to realize what they are but seeing you two together, I figured it out. They're Sire Lines."

"Sire Lines?" Ellie queries and the Gilbert girl nods.

"From what I can tell, every vampire is sired from an Original, and if their link is solid enough to appear in their aura then--"

"Then it likely means the death of an Original means the death of their Sire Line," Katherine finishes and Bella shrugs.

"I mean, it makes sense if you think about it. It's like a tree with a thousand different branches. If you break one off, the tree is fine, but if you poison the roots of the tree, eventually every single branch dies because they no longer have a lifeline."

"So, if we kill an Original, their entire Sire Line dies?" Katherine questions, unaware that the words had made the Salvatores tune in.

"Yeah. I don't know how long it would take to die off but eventually, we would all die if the Originals did."

"So, what Sire Line do we descend from?" Ellie wonders.

"Klaus. It's near to him too. Rose must've been turned by a direct sire of him."

"Great, so we'll be one of the first to die if he falls."

"All of us," the younger girl acknowledges. "You forget, I was sired by you, so I'll die right along with you."

"Maybe you should stop taking that ring off," the doppelgänger jokes, and Bella snorts.

"I'll keep that in mind. Klaus and Elijah should be done with World War III. I think it's safe to say that we can head home."

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