Chapter 6- New Me

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Going to school on Monday was a bit of a trip. At first, I thought things felt different because I knew Elijah was alive and had chosen not to tell anyone that nor that Katherine was no longer in the tomb. As if despite there being no way they could know, everyone knew I had chosen a slightly different side than my sister. Then I realized it was because people were looking at me, but it wasn't the way they usually did. There wasn't a single whisper of the word freak or tragedy. They looked at me as if they had never seen me before, and I finally realized they hadn't. They had spent so much time making me some mythical thing in their minds that they didn't know anything about me.

It took me even longer to realize that it was all due to the stupid masquerade ball. At the time, talking to people had seemed like a good idea since I didn't know where Ellie was, but now I knew differently because I had chosen the jocks to talk to. It wasn't that they were particularly popular, it was a small town so no one was really popular since everyone knew everyone. They were the loudest though. The minute I walked through those double doors, Darren Hermes, a long receiver on the football team, was quick to greet me.

I remembered him from the masquerade, it was hard not to with his golden curls and bright blue eyes. I had joked that his last name was Hermes yet he looked like a description of the god Apollo. He had found it hilarious and after greeting me at school had dragged me over to the group of football players and cheerleaders that talked every morning. I thought it would just be that one day but apparently, when I actually talk, people find they like me. Imagine that.

Which is how I find myself, two weeks later, walking out of my room in an attempt to hurry up and grab something for breakfast so as to avoid John who had popped into town to announce that he was Elena's father, something she had kept from me, along with the fact that she was adopted. Shaking off the negative thought, I resign myself to be happy with my new situation. Katherine had fit right in with Ellie and me and I dare say she's even started to care about me.

I had introduced her to Supernatural and Ellie had introduced her to Marvel, insisting that we watch all the movies before Disney + could make any more new shows. It amazed me that the other Salvatores along with my sister had yet to discover she was there. They knew she was no longer in the tomb after Stefan got locked inside and she was nowhere to be found. Luckily, true to my word, I had guided Elijah on how to make a deal with Elena, which included getting him out of the tomb.

As for Eli's side of the bargain, he told me that he believes me to be a demigod. I didn't believe it at first. I mean it was the equivalent of someone telling me that I was Cinderella. How could I be something straight from the stories my parents told me growing up? He ended up sharing a memory with me of a woman he had met in the 18th century. She was the daughter of Demeter. She had the ability to control plant life and had an affinity for controlling Fern as it was her namesake.

I couldn't deny that her powers sounded similar to mine but he continued to assure me that the children of Demeter weren't powerful. I knew he wasn't trying to be rude because he told me that the reason that demigods were so rare was that Zeus gave a decree long before Elijah had the pleasure of meeting Fern that demigods from more...powerful gods were too dangerous and had too much hubris.

Demigods from lesser gods and goddesses, and even Olympians that simply didn't pass much power to their children, could slip a few through the cracks here and there. Apparently, even though Demeter had the power to make every plant in the world die, her children can make them grow and kill off select ones, but never anything that can do much damage. He said that my vervain trick was a fluke, but I will likely only be able to do it with severe anger and to one person.

As a result, I've decided that I didn't need to learn about my powers. After all, they aren't exactly helpful. Yet, something in me tells me that he's wrong. Whether it's because he truly is or because I don't want to be weak is yet to be determined.

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