Chapter 19- Partner In Crime

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Klaus woke up with thoughts of Bella. He had been intrigued the moment he saw her while in the body of Alaric Saltzman because there just seemed to be something about her. Embarrassingly, he had been brought back to the first, and only, time he had met a goddess. It had been in the 11th century. He and his siblings had learned from his first sire that with the right information, they could easily pass as Nobles and had taken to the lifestyle like fish to water.

They had been free from their father for that short time as Elijah had compelled all of their first sired to be them in an effort to lure Mikael away and it had worked. Sadly, among them had been the second woman Klaus had loved that had broken his heart. Aurora De Martel had made him vow off relationships, but the truth was that he craved to have someone understand him. That was what the redhead had made him realize. He wanted someone who knew who he was and what he had done and accepted him. Yet, in the end, she had turned her back on him as well.

So he slept around and whenever someone got too close to his heart, he killed them. Then, in the safety of his room in a different wing than his siblings, he would cry over the body of a woman he worried he had killed too soon. After one particular woman who was compassionate enough to seemingly forgive anything, a woman had broken his painful cries. She was beautiful with light skin and dark eyes. Her ebony hair had flowed down her back like a river. He wasn't even surprised when she had introduced herself as Venus.

Despite the fact that they had grown up believing in the Norse gods, Klaus was aware of the other religions and he was fond of the gods of Greece and Rome. He envied the way they were different yet the same between the two and both empires had thrived. He often wondered if he would've thrived as a wolf before his transition, but he feared he would never know as his mother had locked his werewolf side away. Venus had told him of her great love, how she as her Greek counterpart has fallen for the lord of the dead and the king of the gods had ripped him away from her.

Then she had promised him that one day, he would meet the woman he was looking for. That she would not only understand him, but love him even with all his faults. Any atrocity he committed, she would forgive, for that is what love is. He had chalked the whole thing up as a dream until Elijah's lover, Fern, had died and he revealed she was a daughter of Demeter. It had given Klaus hope and when he laid eyes on Belladonna in that classroom, he had felt the same presence he had with Venus, as if she were a goddess disguised as a mortal.

When she had laid out her theory of why the Sun and Moon curse was fake and realized his and Elijah's motivation for creating it, he had thought, for just a moment (okay maybe more than a moment) that she was who Venus had referred to. Now, however, he was not so sure. With his luck, it seemed Ellie would be the one she was talking about. It wasn't that Bella lacked compassion, not at all. She actually seemed chock-full of it. She had even tried to excuse Jeremy's actions after learning he wasn't compelled.

No, the only compassion she seemed to lack was for Klaus. Perhaps she was angry about his decision not to immediately pardon Katherine but he didn't owe the doppelgänger, or Bella for that matter, anything. He was Klaus Mikaelson and he bowed to nobody. And yet he had bowed to Bella. She had a strong will, stronger than his, and she was fierce. He knew that she would fight him and after the display she had shown against his father, Klaus couldn't risk losing her.

Her power should make him want her dead. She clearly had the ability to kill him given the right motivation, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He claimed it was because she was too powerful an ally to let go and she seemed content to be on his side, but he knew that wasn't the truth. Deep down, he ached to know why she had sympathized with his plight and need to break the curse when they had met but seemed to hate him now. What had he done in that time?

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