jürgen klopp

53 6 2

The tears are real.


So much more than a coach, a father to a team of five year olds.

Kloppo deserves a standing ovation for everything he's done for Dortmund during these years, he has lead them to success and they owe him everything.

Jürgen Klopp, a great coach and great person whom I have so much respect for.

Even as Bayern supporter, I really respect Kloppo and think he's a brilliant coach, and that's not a word I say that often. I find it really hard to like coaches, I mean the only ones I truly like and respect are, José Mourinho, my number one coach, Jogi Löw, and Jürgen Klopp. I mean of course it's easy for me to say that I love and respect these coaches when they are coaching my teams, but it's not only because of that. I mean I despise Luis Enrique, even though he's took Barça to the top, there's this strong love-hate feeling towards him. I hate Vincent del Bosque even though he won us (Spain) one World Cup and one Euro. I love Pep, but I've kind of lost my respect for him this year. They are coaches that are coaching my teams and still I despise them, so it isn't easy to be a coach and be liked by me, but Kloppo succeeded.

And seeing him leave hurts like hell, it wasn't his fault what happened to Dortmund this year and he is still that brilliant coach that he was last year. He's still right for Dortmund. I think he should have stayed, I really do.

And the fact that he's been linked to Manchester City and Real Madrid kind of makes it all worse, like rubbing salt into a wound, he's a fantastic coach and I want to see him in a team that I don't despie (sorry if anyone takes offence to that). I would have loved to see him in Chelsea, if it wasn't for Mou, Mou will always be my number one coach.

I hope Kloppo ends up in a club that greets him with open arms, where he finds the success that he did in Dortmund, because he really deserves that.

The Bundesliga will miss him, Dortmund will miss him.


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