chelsea - paris st. germain

108 7 20

To think that I was actually happy before the game started... I had practice just ten minutes before the game started and I was so happy because I shot 14 penalty shots and 12 of them went in (I play basketball if someone wanted to know) so I was in a great mood when I got home. But that slowly disappeared and right now all I feel is empty.

For the first time in my nine years as a Chelsea supporter I actually feel disappointed in my team... I NEVER talk bad about them, but today I have been, during most of the game actually.

Because let's be honest here, this was not how it was supposed to end. This was not the Chelsea I know, this was not the usual beautiful football we usually to play. I don't even know what to say, because all I can feel is emptiness.

When Ibra got the red card in the 31 st minute I thought that win was secured. I mean it was 11 to 10 and we were playing at the Bridge, our home, we were destined to win this. But no, that didn't really happen.

We just relaxed, didn't really advance, passed the ball slowly between each other and there was no real action from our side really...

When Gary scored I really thought it was over and I remember the thought I had "our defenders do it again, step up and score when they need to" but then David Luiz just had to score and my heart broke. I actually missed him as a Chelsea player, but right now I just hate him. He is no longer missed from my side and will never be again.

When Eden scored the penalty I thought yet again that the victory was ours, but no, it wasn't. F*cking Thiago Silva just had to score and make PSG go through. My heart is broken and I don't even know what to do right now.

Chelsea is the good thing in my life right now, all of my teams (Chelsea, Barca and Bayern) because right now my life is a mess. My own team is falling apart, school is killing me. My relationship with different persons are killing me, some I really want to end, and some I really don't but feel the need to end because they have changed so much. The only good thing in my life lately has been football, it has been Chelsea. Chelsea brings light into my life as always when the times are hard, but today they failed me for the first time.

Before this game I actually liked PSG, now I don't and I will never do again... I only started to like them because of Thiago Silva, but it's not worth anything to support a whole team because of one player. So I won't. I will always love Thiago though <3

So that's the only reasons why I can accept the fact that PSG made it to next round, the fact that it was Thiago who managed to take them there. Had it been any other player, I would have hated them to my last breath.

A positive thing was that Nemanja is back. Even though he wanted to prove himself so much, I have to say that he was in the risk zone a lot of times. It was just a miracle that he didn't get a yellow. Though I'm really glad that my baby is back <3

Gary Cahill, a defender with a strike as a striker. So proud of him, and Eden who scored our goals tonight. Without them I would have completely lost it.

Thibaut Courtois is probably the player that provet himself the most today and I'm so proud over him. He made some great saves and without him we would have been toast. No Klaus we wouldn't because we still have Petr, but still. Tbo is our hero and savior as usual.

Now I'm gonna go to bed and sleep my sorrows away. Because I'm to heartbroken and tired to be awake any longer.


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