liverpool - blackburn rovers

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I didn't watch the game since I wasn't home but I kept track on it all the time.

Why? I'm no where near a Liverpool supporter though my father is. And there's always this fight between us about which team is the better (Chelsea obviously) so that's why I kept track on it, but also because of Steven Gerrard.

It doesn't matter what club you support, Stevie G will always be a big icon in football, a legend. He's the main reason why I don't disslike Liverpool as much as other rival clubs. And when he'll go to the US, I will probably cry. I have already cried once watching his interviews, so it will be hard to watch him leave for good. He IS Liverpool and should have retired there.

That's why I want Liverpool to win so so badly !! Because I want to see Steven Gerrard play at Wembley, ser him lift a trophy one last time in his red suit. That's all I ask for, that's all I want. I want to see Stevie leave Liverpool with a smile on his lips and one last good memory. I really want him to win one last trophy.

So please win in the next game Liverpool, for the sake of Stevie and all of his beautiful carrier at Liverpool.


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