proud blue

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I have more than 1k reads ?! Thank you so much !! I can't believe that people are actually reading my rambling.


So this other day we had P.E and I was wearing my Chelsea jersey for the first time. I have chosen not to wear it for like half a year because I knew that I would probably get mobbed and killed by three very specific guys.

These specific guys lives revolves around football, like literally, it's all they ever talk about (much like me, though I don't have anyone else than you guys to talk to). One of them is this HUGE Liverpool supporter, like he's got two or three of their kits and the Liverpool logo on his home screen. The other two are Madridistas, like equally huge as the Liverpool supporter though I haven't seen them in any kits, yet.

So anyway, I was wearing my Chelsea jersey and I could feel their stares on me the minute I walked into the room, but I couldn't care less, Chelsea is my soul for gods sake, so accept it or leave it.

Oh and by the way, I've got Lampard on my jersey since he'll always be blue no matter what.

Anyhow we were divided into pairs by our P.E teacher and what do you know .. I get paired up with the Liverpool supporter, let's call him Charles for the sake of this entry. Even though he doesn't look anything like a Charles .. Anyway like what are the odds of us getting paired together ?! Faith has cruel way of playing out our lives.

Anyway we were supposed to pass a volleball over our heads and then between our legs to each other, and since he's like 20-30 centimeters taller than me .. yes I'm short and yeah you can imagine how it went .. I think I smashed the ball into his head like three-four times. Sorry.

When we moved on to throw the ball between us like normal human beings he asked me "You're not serious with the Chelsea jersey now are you?"

And I was like excuse you, but I said "Of course I am, it's way better than Liverpool."

And this is where the insults like started .. C is Charles and L is me, Liza.

C - "And Lampard of all people.."

L - "He'll always be blue no matter what."

C - "He's a traitor playing for City and all. Gerrard would never do something like that."

L - "Well technically Lamps signed for NYCF, not for City."

C - "He still signed the contract for the loan."

And that's where our teacher interrupted us and we went to separate teams.

Later during Spanish I somehow ended up behind Charles and one of the Real supporters, let's call him Jake. And Charles turned around and was like, "Have you stopped supporting Chelsea yet?"

L - "Eh no? I've been a Chelsea supporter since I was seven and will be for the rest of my life."

C - "But Chelsea of all the teams out there."

L - "Like Liverpool is any better?"

C - "Liverpool will always be better."

L - "Yeah? But's who's at the top of the table?"

And this is where Jake decided to butt in, "Yeah exactly who's at the top of the table?"

And this is where I and Charles teamed up against him.

C - "Yeah right, who's at the top of the table? It's not Real that's for sure."

L - "Exactly Jake, you have nothing to say here."

And it actually got him to shut his mouth. And then Charles started questioning my supporter persona once again.

C - "You don't even know who Cuadrado is."

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