Only yours

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"So how's school?" Karlie asked finally finished with her orders Taylor turned toward the tall girl with a smile. "Boring. You?" She asked Karlie leaned against the bar counter. "Yeah me too, soccer is fun though." She smiled Taylor giggled

"Of course, you have to let me come to one of your games." She said grabbing another notepad "I'll mess up, you make me nervous." Karlie winked before walking to take the older Taylor was about to.

Taylor stood still a blush covering her cheeks, Karlie always had these flirty comments that left Taylor's heart skipping a beat. After a few more orders Karlie was back at Taylor's side. They usually had shifts together just the two of them, except for a few which Karlie had to deal with her other coworkers helplessly flirting with Taylor. Everyone did it, they all wanted a chance with the pretty blonde but her eyes were locked on a tall brunette.

"You're stealing all my costumers." Taylor huffed Karlie smiled "Sorry, I hate when those old men look at you like that." Karlie shook her head Taylor smiled to herself, Karlie was so good to her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come by my place tonight? Mere misses you." Taylor asked Karlie smiled "I miss her too. I'll come over after my last shift." She said

"Okay, now I'm going to go take these." Taylor said poking Karlie chest with her pointer finger. Karlie smirked and stayed back watching Taylor walk to the counter to serve a costumer. She loved the strict uniform policy this bar had, those tiny shorts really did make Taylor look good but she didn't like when guys would stare at her all night long. Karlie helped Taylor during rush hour and after Taylor's shift was done she waited for Karlie to finish.

"I always forget how cold it gets." Taylor shivered Karlie wrapped her arm around Taylor's small frame. Taylor snuggled into Karlie's arms and they walked down to her car Taylor slowly let go of Karlie and walked to her seat the short drive back to Taylor's was quiet Karlie was tired but she didn't let Taylor know. She wanted to spend every chance she had with Taylor to the fullest.

Once they were inside Taylor for changed into a small sundress Karlie stayed in her jeans and played with Meredith on the couch while Taylor went to get some drinks for them. Taylor came back to Karlie side and her arm wrapped around the girl.

"You still thinking of moving out?" Karlie asked Taylor shrugged looking up at Karlie while she drank her beer. Taylor's eyes drifted to how Karlie's lips wrapped around the can, Karlie smiled confusedly down at her.

This is how their first kiss was shared followed along by many other. Taylor leaned up and softly kissed Karlie jaw up to her cheek. Karlie turned her head and her lips sunk into Taylor's red ones. Taylor climbed on the girl her centre making contact with Karlie taut abdomen causing her to moan almost.

Taylor stopped her kisses to catch her breath but Karlie had other plans she continued to kiss down Taylor's chest to her collarbones Taylor helped remove her dress and stayed put on top of Karlie each of her thighs on either side of Karlie.

"I think I'm only me when I'm with you." Taylor blushed Karlie smiled and pecked her lips. "I feel so happy when I'm with you and the second we're apart my world comes crumbling down because you're not really mine." Taylor sighed Karlie's hands were tightly wrapped around the smaller girl comforting her.

"I am yours." Karlie whispered

"Please be mine."

"Taylor I've been yours before you ever thought of being mine. I'll be yours now and even if eventually one day we part I don't think I'll ever forget you." Karlie whispered kissing Taylor's neck softly. "I don't want that day to come."

"Then it won't." Karlie said simply, going back to kissing the blonde. "Karlie I um...I haven't done this in so long." She blushed Karlie smiled softly. "I wasn't planning on doing all that now, sorry your lips are just additive."

"I was serious Karlie about being myself truly when I'm with you, and how I really want you to be...mine."

"Is this you asking me out?" Karlie smirked Taylor blushed. "Yes. Will you go out with me Karlie?"

"Of course I will." She laughed kissing her cheek. "Thank god for that stupid bar." Taylor giggled kissing Karlie's neck slowly Karlie laughed too sliding her hands down Taylor's body to her lower back.

"Don't you dare." Taylor narrowed her eyes. "I wasn't going any further!"

"Buy a girl dinner first."

"Sorry." Karlie blushed "You need ass." Taylor shrugged going back to kissing Karlie's neck.


Waking up for Karlie always felt like a chore she hated it with nothing specifically exciting about her life to wake up to not until last night. When the relationship between her and Taylor changed, sure they'd flirt often and it wasn't a secret a mutual liking was shared but now it was known. Now Karlie was waking up in Taylor's bed with a grin that couldn't leave her lips.

Taylor was snuggled into Karlie's side her arms wrapped around the girl and her legs too. "Tay.." Karlie whispered trying to wake the girl as peaceful as possible she looked like an angel sleeping.

"Hmm." Taylor stirred moving closer to Karlie she smiled softly trying to remove herself from the girl.

"Why are you awake early on a weekend?" Taylor mumbled grumpily. "I'm gonna go for a run?"

"You're insane." Taylor mumbled once again into her pillow.

"Gotta stay in shape eating at the bar all the time." Karlie said getting up. "Clothes." Taylor pointed to her drawers and Karlie thanked her finding some sweatpants and taking off her shirt leaving her in a sports bra.

"I'm gonna go, I'll be back okay?" Karlie said walking around the bed to stand next to Taylor.

Her blue eyes opened slowly then went wide. "Wow." Taylor smirked lifting her hand lazily to reach for Karlie's abs. "I've never seen abs this attractive."

"I'm sure, I'm gonna go now." Karlie leaned didn't and kissed her cheek before walking out of the apartment.

Taylor stayed in bed for a while longer after almost an hour she decided to get up she changed into a crop top and some high wasted jeans then fixed up her makeup. She didn't have a particular reason to get all dressed up nothing but, Karlie.

The smile on Taylor face couldn't leave either as she picked up Karlie's shirt she weirded herself out from smelling it. It smelled to good so much like Karlie it made her watch the clock wondering how long this run was going to be.


"Sorry I took so long had to take another route going from your apartment." Karlie said walking into Taylor's place with a variety of breakfast options.

"Oh right sorry, also all this I wanted to make you something."

"Thought so but I just wanted it to be easier for us?" Karlie said pulling out a bagel and taking a bite. Taylor wanted in awe as she ate it standing in her kitchen looking flawless after miles of running, Taylor was sure she couldn't even go a quarter of one without being drenched in sweat and bo.

"So this new route, how was it?" Taylor smiled Karlie walked close to her. "It was nice."

"Something you could..get used to?"

"Yeah definitely." Karlie whispered against her lips before they shared a kiss. "Waking up with you is already my favorite habit."

"Me too." Karlie smiled

Edit: Hi it's been actually forever since I've updated anything but I'm still alive and still writing, wrote this short story and like so many more, anyways might get back to updating frequently again :)

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