Cowboy Like Me

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"Have a good day babe." Michael smiled kissing my cheek. "You too."

"Dinner tonight?" I asked he nodded fixing his suit and with that he was gone. I took a breath and walked to Belle's room.

"Hi princess." I whispered gently picking up the 1 year old. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stuffed her head into my neck I smiled rocking her back and forth.

"I love you so much baby." I said after a while of holding her in the dark room I laid her to sleep again. I left the room and a minutes after I left the house. Michael and I had been together only a year before we had Isabelle. Things are different now, he's hardly around has no reason not to be. His mom stays with us to take care of my baby. With them getting so attached it makes me scared to think if Michael and I do separate, I'd loose my little girl.

I shake the reoccurring thoughts and start the car.


"Mrs. Swift." A voice echos from behind me. I turn to familiar green eyes. "Good morning Karlie." I smiled she returned the smile and handed me a cup of coffee. "No sleep last night?" She asked leaning against my desk.

"Do I look that bad?" She quickly turned around "What? No no-

"I'm joking Karlie." I laughed she smiled shaking her a little. "You always look beautiful."

"Thank you." I blushed putting my head down. "Well I'll see you later?" Karlie asked, hopeful eyes. "You will." I smiled "Bye Taylor."

"Bye Karlie."

Karlie, she was perfect too perfect. No one should be allowed to her as perfect as her. She was gorgeous, charming, smart, funny every compliment you could give someone, Karlie was. I hated it honestly. Not her just the fact that I couldn't have her, and she made it so obvious she wanted me. I want her. But I'm not single and I have a kid and Karlie respects that. I'm glad she respects that because if she didn't I'd let her do millions of things to me without stopping.


"It was a good day sheriff." Alex smiled throwing his arm around my shoulder I nodded. "Good as it gets."

"Hey can you give these papers to Taylor?" He asked a small smirk playing on his face I nodded grabbing the papers from him. "See you tomorrow." I smiled waving to him and my other partners as I left the office to Taylor's.

"Hey, sorry I know you were just leaving but Alex told me these are for you."

"Oh yes thank you." She smiled I nodded turning around to leave.

"Wait- Karlie."


"I uhm. Can you help me take these to my car?" She asked I looked down at the boxes and smiled. "Of course."

Taylor thanked me with her million dollar smile and walked out in front of me. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder down her body. She always wore small skirts and sometimes I wondered if she did it purposely.

"We should get lunch sometime. It's been forever." Taylor spoke as we got to her car. "Mhm."

"What you don't want to?" She asked I chuckled a little. "I think you know I wanna."

Taylor placed her boxes inside her trunk and grabbed mine aswell. She stood in front of me looking up at me. "Kiss me."

"What?" I asked confused if I heard her right.

"Kiss me Karlie."


I pulled her closer by her waist and pressed my lips to hers. Her arms circled around my neck and held me. "Fuck! Karlie take me home."


"No Karlie. I've been wanting this for so long and so have you. I don't care if I'm with Michael it's clear he's cheating. I can't leave him Karlie, you know I can't. I've been so loyal to someone who doesn't want me. But I've been holding back from someone who really does."

"What about Belle?"

"She's still with his mom. I'll tell them I'm working late."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

That was the last confirmation I needed before we not got in her car and left. I drove her to my place and I could tell she was nervous, I reached for her hand and ran my thumb over her knuckles.

"Relax." I smiled

"That's a lot to ask." She laughed


"Your place is nice." I smiled she walked me to her my room. "It's small."

"You live alone, it's perfect for you." I smiled she smiled a little and walked closer to me closing the space between us with a kiss. The kiss quickly got heated and soon I was on her bed her lips trailed my neck and I desperately unbuttoned her shirt.

My hands ran down her tone stomach. Of course she was more than in shape. Her abs were define and I couldn't even see them yet. She works out a lot and somehow finds running fun, like what kind of-

"Are you still with me tay?" Karlie laughed I blushed a little looking up at her. "Mhm."

"Are you sure you wanna do th-

"What! Yes Karlie so much."

"No I want to also but, we can wait."

"What do you mean?" I asked she smiled falling to the side of me her shirt was off leaving her in only a sports bra and her work pants. I could now tell how perfectly tone her body was.

"I mean. I want this just- probably more than you do. We don't have to rush it."

"So this is gonna happen again?" I asked she shrugged tugging the bottom of my shirt I pulled it up and off. "If we keep getting naked I don't know if I'll be able to stop." I laughed

"You're so beautiful." She whispered before going to kiss my chest I moaned a little once her hands cupped my boobs. "I've been imagining us doing this for a while." Karlie whispered, I traced her biceps smiling a little. "Me too."

"You should get home." Karlie sighed moving so I couldn't touch her anymore. I pulled my hand back and nodded. "Friday?" I asked sitting up so I could put in my shirt. "That sounds good." She smiled kissing me one last time before we both stood. It was hard to keep my calm as Karlie walked me to the door without a shirt. She was just so fucking sexy.


"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was going to have to take care of her today.." I smiled Karlie wasn't really paying attention to what I had to say she was to busy playing with the 1 year old.

"She's adorable." Karlie laughed as Belle giggled in her arms. "Yeah." I smirked admiring the two but I couldn't ever get used to this sight.

"It's late so I should put her to bed." I mumbled taking the little girl from Karlie's arms. The little girl who didn't seem like she wanted to leave Karlie's brace.

"Here I show you where you can." Karlie walked me to a guest room where Isabella rested in her carrier. After a while of me rocking her to sleep she was down. I quietly left the room and made my way to Karlie's. She way laying on the bed now in sweat pants and a shirt. "Karlie I could get going home if-

"Come lay down." She smiled I walked to her bed and laid under her arm. "As much as we both wanted this today, there'll be other days and who knows maybe there can be an everyday maybe you can finally talk to Michael about splitting?" She said I nodded

"I really like you Karlie." I kissed her she deepened the kiss and held my hip while mine roamed her stomach I was desperate to feel her tone abs ripple under my touch. "Me too." She smiled

The rest of night was spent with no so innocent kisses and even some clothes coming off but coming right back on once we heard Isabelle crying. Then we all laid together, Belle mostly clingy to Karlie. This was the moment that changed everything. I realized I wanted to be with Karlie and I wanted her to be with me and my little girl too.

Kaylor/One shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ