You love me!

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"What about her?" Karlie asked pointing to a tall brunette I shrugged pulling out more grass Karlie groaned throwing herself on my lap. "You're too picky with your girls." She grumbled

"I'm really not."

"I've pointed out about 7 beautiful girls today and you haven't gone up to not one."

"I have a girl." I smirked Karlie raised an eyebrow "Who?" She asked I smirked shrugging again. "Tell me about "your girl." Karlie said I nodded

"Well she's very beautiful way more beautiful than the girls you've pointed out today and she's funny and nice and adorable when she's mad and she's really smart and she needs to open her eyes and realize I'm perfect for her." I said Karlie was a blushing mess now knowing every word I said was directed towards her.

"She sounds cool." Karlie giggled "Oh she's not cool she's a total dork! All her little cheer friends don't know she secretly plays with leg-

"Stop it tay!" Karlie said putting a finger to my lips I smiled and looked away. "You're so beautiful." I couldn't help but say. Karlie blushed turning her head down. "Wanna go get some food I'm starving?" I asked breaking the tension she nodded I helped her up and we walked back to my car quietly Karlie kept purposely bumping me I ignored her and she got angry. "Are you seriously mad I didn't push you back?" I scoffed she pouted and rolled her eyes.

"You're ridiculous." I murmured "You love me." She giggled "Maybe a little."

"Do you actually think I'm not cool?" She asked I laughed loudly "I think you're the coolest girl ever." I smiled she nodded happy with my answer.

"Mmm! This shit is so gooooodddd!" Karlie practically moaned taking another bite of her burger I smiled shaking my head a little. "It's not that good Kar."

"You got chicken tenders try this." She said shoving her food in my mouth I pushed her away a little. "Okay calm down!" I grabbed the sandwich from her and took a small bite.

"Soooo??" She asked

"It's pretty good." I said sipping my coke Karlie's eyes went wide. "It's 'pretty good'." Karlie mimicked deepening her voice. "I don't sound like that."

"You do." She giggled I didn't say anything after just continued to eat my food trying not to get any sand on it. "Can we go swimming?" Karlie asked under my arm I shook my head. "Pleaseeee!! I really wanna get wet!" She said I almost choked on my fry. "Eww I didn't mean that!" Karlie quickly said

"Mean what?" I teased

"Mean that.." she mumbled embarrassed "No tell me I don't get it?" I said she rolled her eyes throwing a fry at me. "Hurry up and finish!!! You eat like a turtle." Karlie pouted laying her head on my stomach. I purposely slowly lifted my hand to eat a fry and Karlie giggled. I'd do anything to hear her laugh.

"Ok let's go." I said Karlie yelled excitedly and began to strip her clothes off. I'd seen her in a bathing suit before but it never failed to make my knees weak. I pulled off my clothes and walked to the cold water with her. We were far away from people so it was like we had the beach to ourselves. "It's coollldd!" Karlie giggled pulling me closer I smiled wrapping my arm around her small waist.

Karlie ran around in the water a little she even threw some at me I smiled just admiring her I was so in love with her. Karlie giggled running towards me she places her hands on my shoulders mine out of instinct wrapped around her waist. "Can I kiss you?" I asked slowly she nodded.

When our lips met it seriously did feel like the world stopped her hands gripped my neck and mine held her frame closer my tongue slowly slid inside her mouth and a soft moan erupted inside her. I was desperate to hear another so I kissed down her neck finding a weak spot. After a minute of hearing her swift moans I kissed her lips again. "Woah." She whispered

"She's also an amazing kisser." I whispered Karlie giggled lightly. "I..I like you too tay." She whispered I smiled holding her closer. "Let me take you on a date." I asked holding her hand as we walked back to our clothes.

"This is kinda a date. I mean we had our first kiss."

"Well yeah but we always hang out. I want to take you out to dinner or something and give you flowers and everything." I smiled she smiled back. "I would love to go on a date with you." She said I internally jumped for glee inside my body.

"Cool cool." I smiled sliding my shirt back on we grabbed our stuff and walked back to my car. "Wait." Karlie mumbled I looked at her confused she smiled gently pushing me against the car door and kissed me. "I'm so happy I can do that whenever I want now." She blushed I kissed her again. "Me too."

Edit: hii it's been forever since I've written this little letter or authors note wtv anyways I just wanted to thank you all for the support you're giving me on all my stories thank you so much! And happy holidays <33

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