My rockstar

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"Alex shut the hell up we're not getting groupies!" I yelled laughing a little while I stood to get another beer. "Easy for you to say you come home with a girl every fucking night!" He yelled back I smiled a little shrugging, he wasn't wrong.

"Whatever I have a girlfriend now!" I said sitting down. "Oh yea I forgot about that girl. You're lucky dude." He rolled his eyes flipping me off. Everyone was jealous when I started dating a Victoria secret model. Not just any either she's like the hottest girl I've met. She came to one of our concerts a few months ago I saw her in the crowd since her and her friends had front row seats. I sang directly toward her that night and the day after I followed her on Instagram she was already following me and eventually we started talking daily.

She came to another concert and I went to one of her runway shows the media is eating it up. We've both gained a lot of popularity from it and thankfully none of our managements seem to have problems with it.

"Yea I'm gonna go call her now." I said standing up again and leaving the room I walked to my room and dialed karlie's number.

"Hi baby." She answered I smiled leaning against the wall.

"Hi beautiful."

"Mmm stop you're making me blush. Also I sent you a package, a guard is sending it to you now open the door!" I walked to the door suspiciously and when I opened it I was met with a lanky brunette and green eyes I smiled throwing my phone on the couch.

"Seriously?" I smiled pulling her inside she giggled wrapping her arms around my neck to kiss me.


"You got me. What are you doing here anyway?" I smiled holding her on my lap. "Well I wanted to see you and it's like my good luck charm to see you play in New York."

"Where we first met." I mumbled kissing her. "Yea." She sighed kissing me again. "When do you go on?" Karlie asked while I kissed down her exposed neck.

"Around 8."

"So I can stay with you until then?" She asked I nodded holding her closer. "I was thinking a little crazy.." she said looking down at her hands.

"Go on?"

"Well I know this is your last tour so maybe you know we can go somewhere for a while? To LA or Paris? London? I don't care where it is I just want to get out of here with you."

"That's crazy. But I love crazy." I smiled she giggled kissing me again. This time we both got carried away soon enough her clothes was off and my shirt was hardly on. With me being on tour and Karlie having so many shoots recently we hardly see each other and alright FaceTime sex is good...nothing beats hearing her really scream my name and knowing I'm the reason why.

"Fuck Taylor!" She yelled as my fingers slipped deeper inside her my thumb styled pressed against her clit rubbing hard. I felt her folds tightening around my fingers and soon enough she was cumming. I kissed her shoving my tongue in her mouth. "You're so fucking hot." She breathed.

"You like to be fucked hard right? You dirty girl." I smirked she looked up at me breathing hard her naked chest rising and falling her mouth open, it was such a sinful sight but the things I wanted to do to her were worse.

I didn't know much about what Karlie liked during sex. All I knew is she was horny and I was too so it was good but I wanted to know if boring vanilla sex was what she wanted. From the amount of teasing she did I really hoped that's all she was into.

"I want you to fuck me hard." She smiled I shook my head. "Like how?" I asked going back to rubbing her folds she whimpered a little from the touch but looked back up at me.

"Slap me...when I misbehave." She smiled her lips formed upward so evilly yet innocently. She was to good to be true.

"Or Choke me. Taylor if you're asking if I'm into rough sex the answer is yes. It's honestly weird, you were some kind of awakening. I've never been so horny in my life. You should see how many panties I came in just thinking of you fucking me like this." Karlie whispered kissing my jaw then down my neck.

"You're like a dream you know?" I asked kissing her gently. "I mean so are you. Fucking me doggy style while I listen to you play that sexy guitar on stage." She giggled.

I smirked slowly getting off her and helping her up from the couch. "I'm staying at a hotel not far from here. If you wanna stay after or go back to your place it doesn't matter." I said watching her get dressed.

"Why don't you just come to my apartment?" She asked I shrugged. "Don't you think that'll be ok too many headlines?" I asked she smiled kissing my cheek.

"You're right, I'll stay with you. Your guards will hide us anyways."

I nodded standing up I pushed some hair out of her face. "You're sweaty." I mumbled she rolled her eyes. "Well you just fucked me."


"Don't go out and talk to those other guys in the band or the people back stage. Not alone at least." I said Karlie smiled raising an eyebrow.

"Is my little rockstar protective?" She asked I smiled wrapping my arms around her. "Yes. I know how they can get. I don't like what they say about you and I can just imagine them alone with you." I cringed almost disgusted.

"Okay. I'll just walk out with you and once the shows done you'll come get me right?" She asked I nodded kissing her once again before we both left the room.

The show went well I was all worked up from what just happened and Karlie's intense stares didn't help girls never made me nervous but Karlie...god she made me so weak.

I walked off the stage and a few people were waiting for pictures or autographs but I couldn't stop I went to find Karlie and then we were out. The air was cold outside and no paparazzi was thankfully around.

"Hey! Taylor can you sign my cd?" A young voice asked I smiled letting go of Karlie's hand to kneel down to sign the little girls cd. "Thank you!" She smiled

"You're beautiful." The little girl said looking up at Karlie. She smiled bending down to give her a hug. "Thank you doll, you're gorgeous. Blue eyes are my favorite." She winked the little girl giggled waving bye to us as she ran back to her mom.

"She was so sweet." Karlie said I nodded laying my head down on her lap in the back seat. "You get some sleep baby. Lord knows you'll need it for later." Karlie whispered I smiled kissing her exposed thigh before turning to close my eyes.

Edit: okay that was a lot...also since I've made so many one shots I'm thinking of just publishing a few at a time or should I do them one by one slowly..?!? And thank you all for voting and enjoying my stories, all of them :)) <3

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