Pictures in frames Pt.2

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"You need to stop it. Stop writing about her Taylor she's in the past and she's not coming back." Austin's words felt like they were shooting through me but he was right they were all right. She's in the past.

No matter who I date who I try to helplessly fall in love with they're nothing like her. It's been only 2 years which could seem like a lot but I thought by now she'd be long gone. She wasn't she was still engraved in my mind.

Karlie kloss.

Fuck you karlie kloss.

I would still stay up late and search the headlines seeing who she was sleeping with today who she was taking photos of now. She's settled down a bit I guess compared to how she used to be before me now she just hooks up with blondes who I know she's wishing we're me.

"What's this Hmm?" Austin asked setting the paper down I grabbed it. "It's a song?" I shrugged


"I don't know? Tom?" I said frustrated "And you're a terrible liar the media will never believe that, it's either you really fall in love with someone or you stop writing because you have to get over her Taylor." I stared up at him nodding I couldn't feel bad for myself anymore.

Fuck Karlie.


"Fuck Karlie yes." I whispered digging my nails deeper in her back squeezing my eyes shut. "Fuck." She groaned pulling her fingers out of me sucking them dry before laying down next to me both our chests heavy. I didn't know what to say I never knew after this happened she usually stared the small talk.

"How've you been?" She asked getting off the bed to collect her clothes which only hours ago I ripped off. My eyes followed her body trying to think of a response. "Oh I've been good." I lied

"That's good to hear." She faked a smile laying back on the bed I moved closer to her crawling in her arms she wrapped her arms around me kissing my cheek. "I miss you." I whispered

"Me too."

"Then why can-

"Stop Taylor don't start with your stupid dreams." I clenched my hands together pulling at her shirt. "Why do you do this to me Karlie? Why can't you just ignore me when I call." I sighed

"Because I still love you Taylor, if this is the only time I get to be with you I'm taking it. I thought we agreed to just hook up?" She said I wanted to push her off the bed maybe even slap the shit out of her but I stayed clung to her shirt. "Please come over for thanksgiving." I said


"Please Karlie please. I want you back in my life Karlie in our lives I'm not taking Tom to some family gathering pretending you're him anymore."

"Taylor none of your family knows we've been doing this I can't just show up." She said always the one to think reasonably. "Tom wants kids."

"What?" She yelled pulling away I stared up at her dark green eyes nodding. "He's been trying to have sex with me for months it's disgusting and he keeps telling me we need to have a baby sooner or later."

"I'm gonna kill-

"Stop it Karlie you know I won't." I said pulling her back down next to me. "Yea but I fucking hate him."

"If you hated him you'd be with me Karlie."

"I'll go to the dinner." She said I felt a smile creep on my face. "Seriously?"

"Yea." She said I kissed her one more time slipping off my ring and putting it in her pocket. "I'll see you Wednesday?" I asked she nodded. "I love you."

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