Makes two of us

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"I can't believe this!" Karlie gasped throwing her arms up in defeat. "Can you shut up for a fucking second!" Taylor yelled Karlie stared up at the girl not bothering to respond she stood up and pulled off her blazer throwing it in the corner of the room.

"I'd rather die then be in this room." Taylor scoffed Karlie smiled playfully "Makes two of us."

"It's all your fault!" Taylor yelled she stood up putting a finger to the taller girls chest. "All your fault!"

"It's not my fault you got caught doing drugs! You and your stupid fucking friends." Karlie laughed pushing the girl away from her causing Taylor to stumble back a few steps she walked towards the love bed and laid down awkwardly. Why did their parents lock them in some sex room, she thought.  

Karlie and Taylor were enemies, worse even they hated nothing more than each other. For what exactly? No one knew not even themselves at times. It started when Karlie moved down to Taylor's high class school she wasn't as rich of course but she had money enough money to get her into the High Class clique Taylor owned. The entire time spent together they made sure everyone knew of their hatred toward one another.

Even their parents who happened to be close friends. 

It was just another party that was all it was. Of course Taylor had to invite Karlie she didn't do it first hand but, they shared the same friend group it was no surprise she'd be there. It was like any other party they avoided one another and that was all that was to it.

Except Taylor's parents came home early, they were in Europe and they were supposed to be there for another 2 days but they surprised the 17 year old. Along with her friends.

Taylor was caught doing drugs "rich girl drugs" Karlie called them. She called them this because well, she sold it to them. Karlie only sold drugs to get money of her own not that she needed to anyways her parents were rich after all. She just always felt the need to work for something herself for once.

That was how these two ended up stuck in a room together. Karlie ran a hand through her blonde hair. Taylor messed with the diamond ring on her finger.

"My boyfriend will beat you up!" Taylor said standing Karlie looked at her. "I'm not scared of Roman."

"Yes you are." Taylor scoffed "Your boyfriend is nothing Taylor. He's nothing compared to me." Karlie laughed Taylor rolled her eyes. "He's going to be a billionaire, we've got it all planned out, the kids the-

"I don't give a shit." Karlie interrupted she stood to grab a drink in the mini fridge and chugged and entire sparkling water in seconds. "I miss my phone." Taylor sighed she sat down again and this time Karlie sat beside her still her ways apart.

"Why don't we just fake it?" Karlie asked, Taylor turned intrigued "Go on."

"We'll just make up in front of them. Only for show and we'll be out of here." Karlie smiled "I'm not touching you." Taylor groaned

"Oh come on. I know you wanna."

"In your dreams kloss." Taylor laughed "Yeah you touch me in my dreams." Karlie smirked Taylor turned away disgusted she was so disgusted she felt her stomach turning at the thought. "You can't keep your hands off me in my dreams." Karlie whispered

"You're all over me, oh Karlie please touch me! Please Karlie!" She moaned Taylor had enough she quickly turned and slapped the girl coming closer.

"I'm not gay!" Taylor yelled tears in her eyes. Karlie sat with her hand on her face confused. "Hey I'm sorr-

"Please shut up! Just stop it. We won't make up. We'll sleep and they'll have to let us out in the morning." Taylor whispered composing herself she stood and walking to the bed.

She laid flat staring up at the high ceiling, Karlie laid on the couch staring blankly at the same ceiling. The silence was loud, it was killing both of the girls.

About half an hour into the silence Karlie stood to get another drink, this time she got a cigarette as well. Taylor hated cigarettes.

"Put that out." Taylor said sitting up startling the talk girl. "Fuck! You scared the shit out of me." Karlie breathed putting the cigarette out just as fast as it lit. "I was joking about the dreams." Karlie mumbled.

"You're disgusting."

"It was a joke! I know you're like the straightest girl to walk this planet." Karlie rolled her eyes. "I was 12 when I first felt it." Taylor sighed

"Huh?" Karlie turned to the girl confused Taylor sat on the bed looking down at her hands. "I was just a kid so I didn't know any better. I kissed the girl and she kissed me. It didn't feel wrong-

"Taylor what are you-

"Then my mom found out." Taylor continued, ignoring Karlie. "She was angry at first. Then furious when she found I..I really liked her. I wouldn't stop seeing her. Not when I turned 13 and not when I turned 14. My parents had enough..they sent me away. For a while and when I came back I was terrified. I had put a perfect front for my parents, I got the best looking boyfriend in the city and I never once looked at a girl the way I used to. Not" Taylor whispered

Karlie stood in awe she couldn't believe a word that was coming out of the girls mouth. "Taylor..."

"I hate you Karlie. Every time I see you and your green fucking eyes! I want to slap you and kiss you and hold you and tell you I'm sorry and cry away." Taylor sighed feeling weak Karlie sat dow beside her carefully letting the girl fall into her.

"Oh god." Taylor whimpered

"I've waited to be in your arms forever." Taylor whispered Karlie moved up on the bed allowing Taylor to completely wrap her body around Karlie's.

Karlie never really hated Taylor. She did hate the fact that Taylor hated her, and for no reason. She never understood why she hated her so much. Maybe it was envy, Karlie lived a free and out life, her family was accepting her friends were, everyone was.

"Never tell a soul about this." Taylor whispered

"Never." Karlie smiled

Out of instinct and cliché their lips met. The kiss was small and short but followed by another rough one. "I'm going to stop running." Taylor smiled

"Hmm?" Karlie asked

"Running from myself." Taylor mumbled leaning down and catching the girls lips in another kiss. They kissed like they both knew tonight was the only night they would see each other, at least in this way. As if tomorrow morning all the words leaving pink lips would mean nothing, so Karlie kissed her harder.

Karlie wanted to touch Taylor everywhere, her hands were stuck between Taylor's shut thighs. Taylor whimpered at the feeling, she would be lying if she said she'd never dreamed of Karlie touching her this way, but Karlie's hand felt far better than her own.

Taylor's legs opened slightly allowing Karlie to raise her palm then they were shut again Karlie's hand moved in a circular motion and Taylor began to moan into Karlie lips. "Does that feel good?" Karlie whispered. Taylor nodded pushing her head into Karlie's shoulder.

She wanted this so bad she was scared she was going to come undone too fast. "Can I touch you Taylor?" Karlie asked Taylor opened her eyes into green ones and nodded.

Karlie unzipped Taylor's dress and Taylor worked to unbutton Karlie shirt drooling at the sight of Karlie tone abdomen. Taylor was perfect and soft and her skin looked flawless, Karlie kissed down Taylor's pale stomach to her thighs she knew Taylor wasn't ready for that yet so she made her way back to her lips.

"You're so beautiful." Karlie whispered Taylor felt her heart flutter she had never felt so free.

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