Ms. Swift is hot!

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"Karlie please keep your eyes up here! This is the second time I've had to tell you today." Ms.Swift said using her sexy stern voice. "Sorry." I smiled she nodded and turned around continuing to write down whatever she was writing.

"She's really into you it's kinda weird dude." Riley my best friend laughed. "She's not?" I said shrugging.

"Whatever don't stay too late we have practice." Riley said rushing out of the class the second the bell rang. I stayed back treading my feet on the ground slowly walking to Ms.Swift's desk I put my paper down she she stared up at me with a soft smile yet glare. My eyes flickered down to her lips dark red lipstick painted them. The same lipstick I loved so much but only on her no one in the world can make lipstick look that good. I wanted desperately to be the one being stained with that red lipstick. The sound of Taylor clearing her throat brought me back and out of my thoughts. "Detention again Saturday.." She said I nodded staring down her shirt where her exposed cleavage was shown. She did this all the time to me she bent down in front of me she stood next to me very close or wore v necks and black bras. My eyes quickly shot back up once she lifted her head.

"You'll show up right? I didn't like waiting for you just for you not to show up.." She said taunting in her voice. My eyes met again it was that same electrifying feeling that I always felt when her eyes stared into mine. "Yes I will..I promise." I said confidently but I knew I probably wouldn't make it. I had to work and money was far more important than getting to see Taylor on the weekend. Okay lie. It wasn't I desperately wanted every chance to be with her, alone even better but I had to work my little brother needed more diapers and my mom was working late again I needed gas.

"I hope you keep that promise Karlie." Taylor said smiling I nodded and walked over to the door where Taylor walked me out.

"Have a nice night." She said I smiled and nodded "You too." I mumbled she gave one last wave before closing her door slowly.


I rushed inside the empty building a few cars were parked in the lot probably teachers catching up on grading. I walked to my class room 113 my favorite room in this shitty building. It was the one thing I dreading leaving behind next year. College seemed fun and exciting but Taylor was far more than fun or exciting she was..well Taylor.

I knocked on the door and within a second it opened a soft smile crept on my face knowing she had been waiting for me.

I walked in the room she door closed after and walked to take my seat. My breath caught in my throat once I saw how good Taylor looked. She was wearing a dangerously short black dress very low cut in the front Taylor smiled once she noticed I'd been staring at just how good her ass looked.

"I'm happy you made it." She smiled softly taking a seat next to me in a desk crossing her legs I had to really control my eyes made sure they stayed on her face but that wasn't too hard she has a nice face.

"Me too." I smiled as well staring down at my fingers twisting the ring in my index finger. Taylor's hand made it's way on mine her fingers delicately twisting the ring also. "It's beautiful." She smiled in awe I stopped messing with my ring now letting her completely hold it still on my finger. "It was my grandma's." I smiled

"Well it's a very beautiful ring." She smiled her hands still holding mine. I simply nodded scared of butchering my words if any came out. "Did I take you away from work..Karlie?" She asked her face conceded as she read my name tag pinned to my band shirt the only shirt I could find when I woke up at 5 am. "Oh umm no I had off for a while." I lied. "Are you sure?" She asked her fingers tracing mine. "Y..yes." I mumbled feeling my stomach twist the warmth between my legs growing intensely as I imagined her long delicate fingers elsewhere.

Kaylor/One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon