Stories I never told

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"Oh come on! The album was an amazing sell out, you got fans from different genres comin in." Jack smiled siping on his wine. "Well yes but, the stories told had such deeper meanings. I wish the fans could get their closure." I murmured a smile crept onto Jack's face.

"What? The fact that yes they are gay?" He asked I chuckled a little. "They do have women relationships yes."

"What about Karlie? Those songs still about her?"

"Still? Jack I've never written a song about her." I rolled my eyes. "Don't give me that! I've known you for years and I know most songs are still about that girl."

"A few maybe." I smiled sipping on my drink reminiscing on those days. The days Karlie and I loved carelessly. "What really happened between you two anyways? It's all a big mystery." Jack asked I sat closer to the fire.

"There's not much to it really. We became friends but that quickly turned to hookups and she wanted a relationship I didn't." I mumbled staring down at the blue heat waves from the fire burning so bright.

"There has to be more to it. Do you two ever talk?" He asked I nodded. "I mean the fans hate her but I can't tell them not to plus we don't speak on that level basis anymore. It's more like holiday texts or birthday ones."

"You really loved her." Jack sighed sitting back in his chair. "I did but, she deserved better. I put my career before her and I put her through so much pain."


"So how was your trip?" Karlie smiled laying down beside me. I leaned over kissing her gently before pulling her on my lap. "It was good."

"I was thinking you could fly down with me, to Saint Louis?" Karlie asked kissing my cheek I was easily lost in her kisses. "When?" I asked holding onto her bare waist. "Next weekend?" She smiled I sighed a little "Ive got some meetings and interviews." I kissed her she pulled back slipping off my legs.

"What's wrong?" I asked watching her walk around my bed to find her clothes. "You always do this." She raised her voice.


"You know I hate it when you call me that." Karlie groaned pulling a shirt on. "You don't. Look I'm sorry but it's work. How about you spend the next few days here?" I asked Karlie shook her head.

"I'm going home." Karlie mumbled I stood up pulling some clothes on aswell. "Karlie don't leave." I whispered kissing her neck.

"Go to Saint Louis with me Taylor." She whispered I could see the tears in her eyes. It hurt me so much. "I..I can't."

*End of flashback*

"I miss her Jack." I sighed wiping away a tear that had formed from my quick memory. "Show her you do." He smiled softly I nodded finishing the rest of my glass.

After a while longer Jack had gotten cold and decided to go inside I stayed outside away from the rest of the small crowd that had coke over for the folklore release party. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts not thinking twice before clicking Karlie's.

I held the cold phone to my ear and paced around the backyard for a while staring up at the mountains.  After a few rings I heard the line pick up and my breath catch in my throat. What am I doing.

"Hello?" Karlie's voice was hoarse like she'd been asleep. I quickly checked the time it was only eleven here but, that meant it was two am back in New York. "Hey." I smiled

"Taylor?" Karlie spoke again confused I chuckled lightly. "Yeah, it's me hey." I smiled stuffing my hand in my pocket for comfort.

"What do you want?" She mumbled


"Sorry it's late I shouldn't be bothering." I sighed before hearing a soft whine on the other line. "Taylor.." she whispered


"Call me tomorrow okay? When I'm not hungover and let me give you a real congratulations." She said speaking clearly now. "Okay, goodnight." I said with that the phone was out I stuffed it in my picked and made my way back inside. Hiding away from everyone and slipping into my bed, tomorrow couldn't come any sooner.


I stared at my phone for the twelfth time this morning I couldn't call her this early. Although our time zones were different her hangovers usually lasted till 1 in the afternoon.

Finally I got the balls to dial her number and it took seconds for her to pick it up. "Hi." She breathed I smiled sipping my coffee. "Hey."

"Congratulations." She whispered "Thank you Karlie."

"So are we hear to work out my cut?" Karlie laughed I raised my eyebrows before realizing what she meant. "Funny."

"I'm serious! I deserve some money. I was the muse." Karlie said I shook my head "Not a song about you on this one." I smiled "Right right. Taylor..what did you really call me for last night?"



"I miss you Karlie, and I know we've. Had this after morning conversation multiple times but it's so hard. I'm so lonely Karlie and I can't physically function without you. This is not your fault at all and I am not trying to get your sympathy here I just can't stop thinking of you everything it reminds me of you and it reminds me of the hurt I made you feel it reminds me of the heartless person I was. I lost the only thing I knew Karlie."

There was a moment of silence before Karlie cleared her throat. "I miss you too."


"Of course I do Taylor. I miss you everyday somedays are harder but others aren't so bad. You did hurt me Taylor I'm scared to open up again although someone I love might never be you they'll love me the right way. We can't be together Taylor and I think it's best we stop having these conversations these 'I miss you's' it'll held both of us get over this." Karlie spoke

Every word she spoke broke my heart even more, as much as I hated to admit it, she was right. We were never good for each other and we never would be.

"I'm sorry this has to end this way." Karlie sighed wafted I had stayed quiet. "Yeah. You're right I'm sorry for doing that." I said

"I'll always love you Taylor. You know you'll always have the weakest spot in my heart, but you know you can't love me the way I need to be. You're the one who knows I'll run back to you in an instant so please for me don't give me something to run to."


"Karlie I love you so much." I whispered feeling tears rolling down my cheeks a big part of me knew this was the last time I'd hear her voice. "Goodbye Taylor."

"Goodbye K-Karlie." I choked out "I love you." She sniffed I smiled through the tears. "I love you."

We both stayed on the line for a while hearing each other's quiet breakdowns before I could rally cry I hung up and my head fell into my hands.

I would never find a girl like Karlie, never again.

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