Kookie monster

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"Please please please!" I whined putting my hands together begging her to bake me cookies. As much as she didn't want to give in saying no to me was practically impossible.

She groaned and pulled out the flour I smiled pecking her cheek. "I love you." I whispered she turned and allowed herself to fully kiss me. "I love you."

I stood watching Taylor prepare the cookies with my arms around the younger girls waist in the small apartment kitchen. "Kar, I can't move with you attached to me." Taylor giggled

"Sorry, I can't let you go." I smirked kissing the back of her neck. "Hmm okay well now we have to wait for them to bake. Let's go watch a movie." Taylor said I finally let go of her waist and once we reached the small bed I immediately held her again. Taylor gently played with my hair while I laid on her chest.

"Skip work tomorrow, stay with me?" I asked Taylor smiled kissing my temple. "I can't." She giggled "As much as you need me, 30 five year olds would hate me for skipping a day." She said looking up at the tv. I watched her basically analyzed her. She was perfect I loved her so much and I didn't know how I became so lucky to have her. Taylor was a pre-k teacher and seeing how much she loved these kids only made me think just of how much she'd love our little baby.

Although it was too early to think about kids, me being only 23 and her just 21 I wanted to imagine our kid already. Apart of me for some reason thought of the first one being an exact replica of tay. Nerdy but cute, clumsy, cat lover, softy, adorable. I just knew they'd be alike.

"Baby let me go get the cookies." Taylor whispered interrupting my day dreaming. I let her slip away and waited for a while until she came back with a plate of fresh cookies. I was so happy I could seriously scream.

"You're the best!" I cheered kissing her before devouring half the plate."Finally done kookie monster?" Taylor laughed I smiled. "Just about."

"Is it too early for bed?" She asked I put the plate next to the bed. "We have some time.." I whispered letting my hand slip under her sweater.

"Time for what?" She questioned

"Those cookies made me feel really good now, I can return the favor." I whispered kissing her passionately.

"Oh Karlie." She moaned spreading her legs and letting me crawl between them.


"So how's Taylor?" Martha asked as we walked down the street. I pulled my jacket closer to myself. "She's good. I'm thinking of surprising her with a trip to see her parents."

"Ugh. You too are so adorable I hate it!" She laughed I smiled. "What about you? Still seeing that guy?" I asked she shrugged. "It's not that serious but you know Cara texted me again." She smirked

"What! Are you finally gonna give her a chance?" I asked Martha blushed a little and nodded. "About time!" I laughed she smiled. "Maybe we can go on a double date?" She asked I smiled

"That sounds good I'll text tay." I mumbled pulling out my phone. Taylor was working so I didn't expect a quick response. The rest of the time was spent shopping around with Martha and gushing over my girlfriend.

I walked back into my apartment after dropping off Martha. Dibbles laid on the ground I smiled petting the soft cat who so much reminded me of Taylor. She was a little frisky but always wanted my attention.

"So how should we surprise her hm?" I asked pulling off my jacket and boots. "Should we just tell her?" I raised an eyebrow at the cat who licked herself out of no interest in what I was saying.

"This place is boring without tay right?" I groaned. Just then Taylor texted me.

Tay: Hii! Yes dinner with those two sounds fun.

I smiled jumping off the couch to get ready.


"Baby you look beautiful." I whispered kissing Taylor quickly. "Are you sure? I don't like this shirt much.." she mumbled staring into the mirror. I rolled my eyes and fell to the bed. Time was wasting and Taylor had been through 5 shirts already.

"Yes." I promised she smiled tapping my nose. "Okay let's go!"

"Finally." I mumbled under my breath grabbing our coats and her hand. "So how was work?" I asked walking with my arm around her waist. "Good, the kids asked about you again." She smiled

"Really? What'd they say?"

"Well a few when is Karlie gonna see us again'?" I laughed turning to her. "So when am I?" Taylor shrugged kissing me. "I'm so happy you're mine." She whispered.

"I could never express how happy I am you're mine." I said holding her tighter before I opened the door to the restaurant.

Cara and Martha were already seated so someone guided us to our table I smiled upon seeing the pair talking. I held out the chair for my girlfriend who thanked me I took the seat in front of Cara smirking.

"So how have you love birds been?" Martha started Taylor blushed and fluttered her eyes. "We're doing amazing."

"Yeah schools starting again so I'll finally have something to busy myself while Taylor's at work." I said reaching for her hand she interlocked out fingers and nodded. "That's good. You're still coding?" Cara asked

"Yeah think I might finally open my own business." 

"Proud of you kid." Cara winked I shook my head a little turning to Taylor who laughed with Martha as they spoke about the wonders of girlfriends. Life was perfect.

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