Romantic images were flying through his head. He had to thank Agustin for encouraging him. He arrived a little earlier that day and although the school corridors were not crowded, his classmates were waiting already waiting for him and almost arm in arm they took him aside to discuss the latest news.

He was restless during the whole class when the recess bell finally rang, he was halfway there thinking about whether he should go at that moment or wait a little longer.

He waited until the next recess and as he could he led his group to the south wing of the institute but they did not see him, and he was too embarrassed to ask one of those guys from MINT about Lucas.
After a few minutes they went to the cafeteria and ordered a couple of things and then he saw him from afar, he was in a corner with a group of classmates. But he didn't have time to go over to greet him and they turned around to Numa's dismay. Suddenly, his heart raced and he felt nervous, he didn't know what was going on with him but since he was planning to tell him about his feelings, he was getting shy, anxious and had a strange urge to hug him.

That day the hours seem not to pass, after an eternity it was finally 12:30 pm and hanging his backpack over his shoulder he ran out.

He didn't see him in the hallway and decided to wait for him outside.

On the street an unexpected image attracted his attention, a young man in jeans and a shirt with messy purple hair was waiting for him on the side.

"Oh oh" he said inwardly but Leon has already spotted him and was smiling brightly at him. He turned back, looking at those who were leaving the building, however he couldn't see Lucas so he went out to meet Leon.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

His face was obviously surprised but not displeased.

"I wanted to see you and have a talk with you."

"Ok, do you mind if we go to the corner?


They walked to the corner and stood near the curb.

"I have to go home first" said Numa, thinking as he spoke that he would need to wait to next day to talk to Lucas.

"I'll give you a ride, let me buy you lunch."

Numa didn't want to refuse his invitation, somehow he knew Leon needed someone to talk in that moment. Wasn't he a little bit like in that first encounter? At the same time felt uncomfortable to be seen with him in that moment.

"Why don't you come by later and we go out to have some drinks?" proposed Numa, thinking that would be a good solution.

Leon smiled and nodded.

" Perfect, let me take you home then."

Numa smiled sideways, and now what was he going to say?

"Oh look, here comes Lucas," added Leon.

Shit, that's bad thought Numa.

He turned slowly and saw him coming in that direction, of course it was the street he always took as he walked to the bus stop. He looked sideways.

"Hi," Leon shouted to him, but Lucas walked pass by.

Numa felt something deep inside but he didn't know what it was, suddenly he felt sad.
"Hello," Leon greeted again.

This time Lucas stopped and turned around defiantly.

"What the fuck do you want?," asked Lucas aggressively

Leon frowned.

„Hey, that's a little too much. Are you upset about anything?" asked Leon, his tone was a little playful for the situation he was in.

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