"Have you thought of any names?" Alea asks.

"A few but we haven't fully decided yet." River replies.

"Tell me." Alea grins, sitting herself up on her seat.

"For a girl it would be Reyna Maria Del Rosso." She says with a smile.

"For a boy it would be Matteo Alessandro Del Rosso." I say.

"Fucking perfect." Alea says.

"I'm getting something from the vending machine. Want anything?" She says after a few minutes of silence.

"No thanks." River says and then I hear the door close.

I place my hands on her stomach and rub it gently, whispering softly to our babies. Telling them not to hurt their Màma. Telling them that I can't wait to meet them and hold them.

I look over at River and find her fast asleep so I lean up and kiss her forehead, standing up from my seat.

Realisation hits me like a fuckin' rock. I'm going to be a father within hours. And I'm scared shitless. What if I fuck everything up? I don't want to. I made a promise to myself that I'll never become the man my children fear. I've already been through that and I don't want that to happen to my kids.

Panic rises in me. I need air. Everything is suffocating in here. It feels like these four walls are slowly closing in on me and the only thing I could hear was my own pulse pounding rapidly in my ears along with the heart rate monitor.

Gently, I pull my hand away from her grasp and make sure her phone is on the nightstand in case she needs me. Frantically, I open the door to our room, Carlos and Santi, my guards, stand on either side of the door.

River said it was unnecessary to bring guards but it's better to be safe than sorry.

They both turn their attention towards me when they hear the door open and grow concerned after seeing me.

"I need out." I tell them.

Santi nods his head firmly and follows me towards the elevators. I push the button multiple times and rake my hands through my hair, stepping into the elevator as soon as it opens.

The doors open again moments later and I step out. Santi stays outside of the entrance doors as I rush over to my car. I slam the door shut and open the glove compartment, frantically looking for my pack of cigarettes and breathing a sigh of relief when I find it.

I light it and tilt my head back, inhaling a long puff before exhaling it. My phone vibrates in my pocket so I take it out and immediately answer it when I see my wife's name flash across the screen.

"Where are you?" She murmurs softly into the phone.

"I'm sorry. I needed air. I'm coming up now."

A few moments of silence pass before she sighs through the phone. "Don't get too high."

A grin cracks on my face. "Promise."


Another painful groan leaves River's mouth and her grip on my hand tightens.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now