"I wanted to thank you for Saturday.

Manon gave him a smile full of tenderness.

"You don't need to, it's nothing, really."

"You saved me a lot of trouble."

"Well, I'll pass...in exchange you can clear up a doubt for me."

"Sure, whatever you want..."

"They told me at the police station that you have a record. What kind of record?'

Numa smiled with a certain irony

"I'm not a drug dealer or a thief, if that's what you are thinking."

Manon looked at him in surprise

"No, I didn't expect any of that. The truth is that you seem like a very "brave" boy, very correct and I was surprised about the background. That's all."

"There are two entries, for disturbances in public and resistance to authority" he smiled embarrassed, "in other words, street fights."

"I understand," she could not deny that even that amazed her.

"Let's just say I wasn't hanging out with the right people."

Manon gave him a beaming smile.

"I guess. You don't look like the guy looking for trouble."

"I'm not either," he replied immediately, although he has been like that for a long time.

"If I didn't think you were a good boy, I wouldn't have helped you at that moment either," she paused and with a complicit tone added, "I like you very much, and I would like to see you with my brother, if Lucas hears me, he'll kill me."

Numa felt himself blushing, but he answered with a serious expression.

"Thank you, but we are just friends, and besides, I don't think your brother wants to hear from me again after...."

"Well, one thing is certain, I think he was shocked to see you there. However, what really surprised him was, the fact that you were with Leon."


"Lucas doesn't like Leon very much and well.

"Why not? I don't know him that well but he seems like a nice guy. Not recommended as a partner but a nice guy" let out a chuckle.

„I agree. We go to the same university. Maybe he's too arrogant for someone like Lucas?"

" I see."

"Give him some time, as the days go by he'll get over it."

Numa looked at her a little annoyed.

"Give him some time? We are friends...if he can't understand the situation or doesn't bother to do so, there no much I can do," he took a deep breath, "I'm honestly disappointed in his reaction."

"His reaction is the best way to show you that he cares about you, don't you think?

"Manon, please don't take it the wrong way, but I'd rather drop the subject. He's your brother and I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"No, not at all, I understand you don't want to talk about it with me, it's just that if you wait for him to talk, it will take months. Sometimes he is very closed-minded," the young woman's tone was of resignation.

Numa watched her for a few moments, he would have liked to bombard her with questions about Lucas but he has his pride and he wanted to respect it.

"I'm leaving, otherwise I won't even make it to the second recess.'

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