Everyone Blames Me!

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Mius pov

We warped back to the real world, hoping that I wasn't too late only to find something truly horrifying..

It was makis dead body!

"maki-roll!" kaito ran to makis body and hugged her close, sobbing loudly.

I walked up to comfort him. He slapped my hand away with an angry expression.

"don't touch me!" he yelled "I know you killed my maki-roll!"

"w-what" I stuttered in disbelief "I swear I didn't kill her!"

"don't lie to us miu" shuichi glared at me "you just dragged us back here for another chance to escape. Your only mistake was thinking that we wouldn't catch on to your tricks!" the others murmured in agreement.

I looked around helplessly. This is it. Everyone is ageinst me-

"miu" I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see kiibo smiling at me "it's ok. I trust you"

"so do I" kokichi grinned at me "your many things miu but stupid is not one of them. There's no way you'd be dumb enough to pull the same stunt again"

I teared up and hugged them "thank you guys. Now let's find the asshole who framed me!"

We first inspected maki. At first kaito didn't want to let me near her but after some sweet talking from kokichi he gave in.

Maki had a long, thin line around her neck. She was clutching her throat as if she was gasping for breath. I rubbed my throat uncomfortably. It's just like how I died.


"hey miu check this out" kiibo pointed to the mechine. I walked over to it and gasped. The programming has been tampered with!


Time is up. That stupid bear wants us in the trail grounds. I'm feeling nervous. I don't know if I have enough clues! But that doesn't matter. I'm a boss bitch and I won't die here!

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