I'm Sorry. I Love You

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??? pov

I walked down the halls with my head hung low. This is it. Himiko really hates me and there's nothing I can do about it-

"look out!" I was cut off by himiko jumping in front of me to block a attack from a hooded figure. My eyes widened in amazement. Himikos protecting me. I guess mukuros lessons came in handy!

"tenko!" she turned to me with frightened eyes "you need to run! I don't know how much longer I can-" her face twisted in pain as the knife trusted into her.

She fell back. I quickly caught her as the hooded figure ran away. I looked down at her with tears in my eyes.

"why?" I asked shakingly "why would you do that? I thought you hated me"

"I don't hate you tenko" she sighed "I was just hurt that you were ignoring me like that. I could never hate you" she reached up and touched my face "I'm so sorry tenko. I... lo-ve... You" her hand fell as her body went limp.


Sayakas pov

"a body has been discovered!"

I shot awake at the announcement. Someone's died already? Please don't let it be someone I care about!

I ran down the hallway as fast as I could to find the other surviving students crowding something.

"you have to let her go. We have to examine her body" kyoko said firmly.

"no!" tenko? "I don't want to let her go again!"

I moved through the crowd to see tenko cradling himikos dead body.

I ran up to her "tenko I know this is difficult but you have to let her go so that we can find out who did this" I said gently.

She nodded and slowly lowered her to the ground. I helped her up to her feet and made her take a few steps back while the others examined himiko.

"I'm so proud of you" I whispered you her.

She nodded and turned to me "I saw it happen you know"

"you did!" I gasped.

She nodded "I didn't see their face though. They were wearing some kind of cloke"

"I see" I muttered. It would have been better if tenko had seen the killer's face but at least this is something to go off on...


I asked hina to watch over tenko while I looked into the case. She agreed so I made my way up to himiko.

"what have we got?" I asked kyoko.

"Well she clearly bleeded to death but we have no weapon" kyoko muttered.

"we found a knife that himiko was holding but there was no blood on it" kokichi jumped in "I think it's most likely that she tried to fight off the killer!"

Fight off the killer? Could someone as small as himiko really do that?



I decided to check out the furnace since it was a pretty handy way to get rid of evidence.

I took a look inside and found a burnt cloke with religious crosses on it. Interesting..


the buzzer went off, signaling the end of the investigation. I took a deep breath. Ok let's do this!

danganrompa:the story continues حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن