New Member For Self Defense!

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Mukuros pov

"alright is everyone ready to start" I asked my class.

We've been do this self defense class every day ever since rantaros execution and their survival skills have been greatly improving.

Mokoto managed to fight off his attackers three times already. Guess he's not called the ultimate lucky student for nothing! I wish he'd tell me their names though so I can give them a taste of their own medicine.

"Umm kokichi isn't here yet" taka spoke up "should we wait for him?"

"Well it would be annoying if we had to repeat so it would probably be wisest to-"

"no need mukuro sempai I'm here!" kokichi ran up to us, waving his arms excitedly.

"kokichi your tardiness is unacceptable young man!" taka yelled. I rolled my eyes. Takas a nice guy and he's mellowed out alot since the killing game but I can't stand how bent out of shape he gets over the rules.

"sorry taka sempai" he sighed "but I was only late cause I was getting a new recruit" he turned to the door "come on out. Don't be shy"

To my surprise himiko nervously peaked her head out from behind the door.

"himiko?" mokoto gasped.

"isn't it cool. I won't be the shortest person here anymore!" he said excitedly.

"kokichi I hope you didn't push her into this" shuichi frowned at him.

"he didn't!" himiko yelled "he just suggested it to me but it was my choice" she pulled on her hat with a anxious look "I don't want to be weak anymore. I don't want people to feel like they have to fight for me like tenko did. Its about time I learned to stand on my own two feet and fight for the people I love!"

I could see the determination in her eyes. I smiled to myself.

"welcome to the team himiko"

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