The New Couple

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Sakuras pov

I was sitting at the dining table with hina who was happily munching on some donuts. I smiled at her. She has such an appetite for such a small girl!

"mmm these donuts are soooo good sakura. You need to try some" hina held a jelly filled donut out to me.

"no thank you hina" I said politely "I know you'll enjoy it more than I will"

"aww sakura you're such a good friend!" she hugged me tightly before returning back to her donuts.

I smiled to myself. A good friend. I don't know if I believe that but it does make me feel good to hear her say that.

"hey guys I hope we're not late" we looked up to see Leon walk into the dining hall with sayaka hugging his arm. I narrowed my eyes. So their a couple. I'm happy for them.

"uhh what are you guys doing?" hiro asked. Looks like some people catch on as fast as others.

"Well sayaka hugging my arm. That's kinda what couples do" Leon ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"your a couple!" mokoto gasped.

"yes. I hope that doesn't upset you mokoto" sayaka said nervously.

"nonsense! I'm so happy for you both!" mokoto ran up and hugged them both. Everyone else cheered for the new couple. I smiled to myself. Its nice to see everyone get along so well-

"alright enough of this wholesome feelgood crap" Monokuma yelled "it's time for the motive"

"is there any point in us seeing the videos?" kokichi asked "it's the same Motive isn't it?"

"yes but this one has a hidden twist" Monokuma giggled "now get moving!"

*time skip*

It was horrorfying. Not only were they keeping our loved ones hostage but they were also torturing them! I could see everyone reactions to the videos. They were awful but I was most concerned about hina.

"Yuta" she whimpered with tears in her eyes "what are they doing to my little brother!"

"it's ok hina" I said softly "I'm right here. I promise everything will be ok"

She nodded and ran into my chest, sobbing heavily. I held her close as anger consumed me.

I won't let them get away with this!

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