Brutal Murder

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??? Pov

I gripped my weapon as I breathed heavily. Laying at my feet were two dead bodies. I can't believe I just did that. I didn't think I had it in me anymore but she had it coming.

She took my most important thing after all...

Mukuros pov

I woke up on the floor. I fell asleep on the floor. I guess I must have been more upset then I thought. I had the worst headache. I rubbed my temple in an attempt to sooth it.

I looked at the door and whined. I don't want to face mokoto after I made such a fool of myself. Maybe I should just stay in-

"a body has been discovered"

I sighed. I guess that's not a choice anymore!

*time skip*

I ran into the dining hall to find Leon and Kirumis dead body.

"mukuro" mokoto ran up to me "about yesterday I-"

"I'm kinda busy right now mokoto" I walked past him and inspected the bodies.

"what have we got" maki asked.

"Well both bodies were killed in a different way" he muttered "Leon had his throat slit and Kirumi had her head bashed in by something"

"so you think they were killed by two different people" maki looked at me in surprise.

"it is a possibility" I muttered.


Kyoko searched through both their pockets. I didn't understand what she was doing but I've learnt at this point to just trust kyoko. She pulled a peice of paper out of Leon's jacket pocket.

She opened it up, revealing that it was a letter.

"interesting" she muttered "looks like Leon was invited out to the dining hall by a mysterious someone"

"what about Kirumi? Was she invited out too?" I asked.

"I couldn't find any note on her that could suggest so" kyoko muttered "I think something else is at play here"


"hey mukuro sempai I found something" kokichi came running up to me with a bloody tennis racket "I found it just laying in the hallway"

"very good kokichi" kyoko petted the boys head.

"hehe thanks big sis" he giggled.

All I could do is stare. I mean the weapon makes it pretty clear who our blackened is...

Why are they making it so obvious?

danganrompa:the story continues Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora