Strange Behaviour

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Sayakas pov

I was walking down the hallway when I accidentally bumped into chihiro.

"oh chihiro I'm so sorry" I held my hand out but he wouldn't take it. He was muttering to himself.

I leaned in to hear him better he was saying...

"all my fault my fault my fault!"

I was too shocked to speak. Poor chihiro. He's clearly losing it!

I was about to confert him when...

"chihiro!" I looked up to see kokichi running towards him "hey baby are you ok?"

He didn't answer. He just walked on.

I turned to kokichi "is he ok?" I asked worriedly.

Kokichi sighed "I'm not sure. He's been acting strange ever since keades execution. I think he blames himself for her death. Honestly I'm really worried about him" he looked down sadly before giving me a fake smile "sorry sayaka I shouldn't be pushing my problems onto you"

"hey don't worry about it honey" I smiled reassuringly at the small boy "I'm your sempai. You can always talk to me whenever you're feeling overwhelmed"

"thank you" he nodded greatfully "I better go find chihiro. See you around sayaka"

"see you honey" I waved as he ran off.

I hope those two will be ok...

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