Proving My Innocence

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Mukuros pov

We all took our places at the stands. This is it. This class Trail. Usually I don't live long enough to see the trail grounds and the one time I did I betrayed everyone so yeah not fun memories! I just want to get out of here alive. Let's hope I'm worthy of at least that.

"I don't know why we're doing this" shuichi growled "it's obvious mukuros the killer!"

"shuichi your better than that" kyoko scolded him "you know you need concrete evidence before making such baseless claims"

"but kyoko-"

"don't you but kyoko me!" she folded her arms at him "your a bright young detective shuichi. Start acting like it!"

"grr fine!" shuichi yelled in frustration.

"ok then we should start with the cause of death" hina looked proud of herself for remembering that despite us having done this for five different timelines already!

"Well I inspected the body so I should probably give the ubtopsi" I muttered.

Everyone immediately groaned.

"ignore them mukuro" kiibo said gently "tell us what you found"

I took a deep breath "Well she was stabbed directly in the neck with a kitchen knife"

"Well that's interesting and all but how does that prove you're innocent?" Leon raised an eyebrow.

I couldn't think of an answer. How can I prove that I innocent with just a fatal wound? Wait!

"she was stabbed in the front"

"neah?" himiko tilted her head in confusion.

"it's clear by both the size and depth of the wound that she was stabbed in the front rather than having her throat slit from behind. If I had killed her while she was spending the night with me it would make more sense for me to have slit her throat in a sneak attack rather than attack her from the front where she'd have a chance to fight back"

"wow that's real impressive mukuro" Kokichis eyes lit up.

"I hate to admit it but that makes sense" shuichi muttered "but if you didn't do it then who did? Do you have any idea?"

"Well judging by the wound its most likely that keade opened the door and was immediately stabbed. Other than that I don't really have any idea" I sighed. I may be off the hook right now but we still have to find keades real killer. How the hell am I suppose to-

"I have an idea" kokichi spoke up.

"you do?" sakura looked at him in disbelief "who"

"Well to convince you guys of that I need to show you guys some evidence first" he grinned mischievously "chihiro darling why don't you show them those wonderful feet you drew?"

"oh of course" chihiro pulled out his notepad bashfully.

"feet!?" tenko yelled in horror "what kind of weird fetishes are you degenerates into!"

"it wasn't for any of that!" chihiro turned bright red "kokichi can you please explain"

"certainly" he grinned "you see we found bloody footprints next to keades body so I came up with the plan to sneak into everyone's room and measure the footprint next to everyone's shoes. Since chihiro draws diagrams for his computer programs I asked him to draw out the shoe size so it'd be super accurate!"

"so what do we got chi?" mondo asked.

"Well judging by the heel at the end of the footprint the killer was wearing boots" chihiro explained.

"the only ones wearing boots are taka, Kirumi and miu" kiibo muttered.

"so it's a choice between the three of them?" mokoto asked.

"not quite" kokichi spoke up "you she we measured the shoe size as well and the only one who fits that shoe size is miu iruma!"

"I-I- ahh this Isn't fair!" miu pulled her hair with tears in her eyes.

"I'll take that as a sign of guilt" I glared at her "let's just vote for her already!" the others nodded and voted for miu.

"keade wasn't supposed to die!"miu yelled as she pointed a shaky finger at me "I was supposed to be you! I was going to kill you so you wouldn't hurt me! I didn't want to hurt anyone I just... I was reckless wasn't I?"

"it always has been a weak point of yours miu" kokichi sighed "see you on the other side"

"ok" she looked at us with teary eyes "I'll see you all in the next Timeline" with that a metal chain wrapped around her neck, dragging her away.

*time skip*

I smiled to myself a little as she died. That's what you get for trying to ruin my progress with the others!

"Well at least that's over and done with" I sighed.

"what's over and done with?" shuichi growled "you may not have killed keade but your still enemy number one as far as I'm concerned!" he marched off into the elevator. The others glared at me before following him.

I stared at them in disbelief. What did I do wrong?

danganrompa:the story continues حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن