Everyone Blames Me!

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??? pov

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. Rubbing my tired eyes I got up and walked over to the door. Whoevers at the door better have a good reason to be waking me up at this time!

I opened the door only for a knife to be lodged into my throat by a shadowed figure. I could taste blood in my mouth. Am I going to die again?

The last thing I heard was "wait your not mukuro!"

Mukuros pov

I woke up in an unusually good mood. Sure the magority of the class hated me but there're people who are willing to stand by me and that's what really matters.

I opened my door to make my way to the dining hall when I tripped over something. I looked down in horror to see that it was keades body.

I immediately ran to mokotos room and banged on the door. He answered with a conserned expression.

"hey mukuro. We were about to join you guys for breakfast. Is everything ok?"

"no" I sighed "it's keade. She's dead"

Mokoto and shuichis faces turned pale "take us to her"

I took them to my room where the body lay. The minute we arrived...

"a body has been discovered!"

The body discovery announcement was triggered. Sommoning the other students. I stared at keades body blankly. This seems to annoy shuichi.

"you don't seem that upset that she died" he growled.

I sighed "I'm a soldier. I've been trained to keep my emotions in tack at times like these" not to mention that I've seen my fair share of bodies!

"lier!" he yelled with tears in his eyes "I bet your the one who killed her!" the others murmured in agreement.

I didn't know what to say. He thinks I killed her? How exactly do I prove him wrong.

"uhh are we going to stand around glaring at each other or are we going to start investigating?" kokichi gave us an annoyed look.

"Kokichis right" kyoko smiled warmly at the boy "everyone get to work!"

We nodded and got started. Shuichi took a few steps forward before his body started shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry" he whimpered "but I can't do this. Not again!" he ran off with tears in his eyes. Kaito and maki glared at me before running after him.

"sorry mukuro but I gotta make sure my roommates ok" mokoto gave me a conferting smile before running after them.

I sighed "this whole situation is hopeless!" I muttered to myself "how can I prove it wasn't me?"

Kokichi must have heard my muttering cause he looked over at me and said "well you are the prime suspect. Keade stayed in your room last night and the next day she ends up dead"

I sighed again. It's just as I thought. He doesn't trust me either-

"however" the boy cut me out of my thoughts "I don't think you'd be stupid enough to leave keade at your doorstep. You worked with junko in the past. I know you dealt with your fair share of disposing bodies" he winked at me "so come on and help me out with this. Cause I wanna know why they target someone as kind as keade" his face suddenly turned serious.

I nodded and bent down to inspect the body. Thanks to my training in the army I have knowledge of the human body so I might be of help here.

I looked at her neck wound, the obvious cause of death. The wound was deep. It was clear that the knife was lounged into her throat instead of being slit. What dose this mean?


"look what I found big sis!" kokichi showed kyoko a bloody knife.

"Well done kokichi" kyoko petted the boy on the head with a gentle smile "that should help with the trail immensely"

"hmm that's strange though" I muttered, catching both their attention "who would be careless enough to leave the murder weapon out in the open like that"

"good point" kyoko muttered "we'll have to look into this more"


"hey look at this!" kokichi pointed to the ground where there seemed to be small blood prints "it's footprints! Looks like you were right mukuro. Our killer clearly wasn't in the right state of mind. They even left some fresh footprints for us!"

"it's a shame they don't lead anywhere" kyoko sighed "there mustn't have been enough blood for that"

"hmm" kokichi thought to himself before letting out a gasp "I got an idea!" he yelled before running off.

I stared at him strangely "I don't think I'll ever understand that kid"

"perhaps not but don't you think it's wonderful how far he's come?" kyoko smiled warmly at the boy.

I stared at her. Wow that's some real sibling love there. I wish I could have some of that.


"alright guys let's start our favourite part of this game. The class Trail!" Monokuma said gleefully before disappearing again.

We groaned and walked down to the red room. Shuichi and the others glared at me as we walked down. I sighed.

How am I going to get out of this one?

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