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Chihiros pov

I hugged my pillow as I sobbed helplessly. I've lost him. I've lost the love of my life. I sometimes feel like it's my fault. If only I could have stopped him. This whole tragedy could have been avoided.

I couldn't sleep last night. My bed feels so cold and empty without him. Everytime I closed my eyes I could see him being electricuted to death. I'm so sorry kokichi!

*knock knock*

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door.

"chihiro" It was kyoko "I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about what happened to kokichi and that I miss him too. They've taken too much from us. I'm tired of waiting for things to get better. It's about time I took things into my own hands" and with that she walked away.

I was too tired to follow her or even say anything. I just closed my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

danganrompa:the story continues Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt