"I will teach you how to fight and use weapons," Rahab added with a smirk, taking a step forward.

"I will help you with stopping transformations, or at least holding back the transformation," Ariel stated, taking a step forward.

"I will teach you how to be seductive and alluring," Belial said with a lopsided smirk, puttin his hands in his pockets as he took a step forward.

"And I," Ioael said "will be teaching you about the history of what you have become and will teach you more about what you are and who we are."

"Okay..." I said slowly, letting everything I've just been told and been through process through my head. "Okay..."

"So... Pizza, anyone?" Belial said, making everyone except for me glare at him.

"This is serious," Cassiel said harshly making Belial's jaw drop.

"I'm being serious too! I'm fucking starving over here!" Belial exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

"We don't even need f-" Rahab started, but cut it short when he was elbowed by Cassiel in the stomach harshly- Rahab's groan of pain quiet, but noticeable.

"That isn't necessary. I've known you people were different ever since Rahab here decided to try and scare me in class," I grumbled, leaning my head on my hand. "And can I please get un-cuffed?"

"Yeah, sure," Belial said as he put his hand in his back pocket and grabbed a pair of keys, walking towards me at the same time.

"I don't see why you don't just break free of it like you did with the other one," Rahab said curiously, making me look at him with a blank face as Belial started to unlock the cuff, or whatever it was.

"I don't like damaging people's property, sorry if that comes off as stupid," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes and rubbed my wrist gently when it was finally out of the chains it was put in.

"Well, you already broke one, so what are we going to with just one anyway?" Rahab countered, making me hold in a frustrated growl.

"Dude. Quit it," Belial said to Rahab, noticing I was really close to snapping.

"What?" Rahab asked innocently, making my eyes twitch.

Why was I getting so irritated so easily?

"Okay, let's start teaching, shall we?" Ioael asked making my head snap to where he was at the speed of a blink of an eye.

"What?" I asked in shock. "Already?"

"Yes," Ioael groaned out. "We don't have much time. We need to start as soon as possible."

"Give her a break," Ariel said with a sigh. "She's getting all this stuff shoved at her. I don't think it's smart to throw all of this at her and then have her start training right after."

"Ariel, we don't have time for procrastinating," Ioael scolded, making Ariel's eyes narrow slightly.

"I'm not procrastinating, I'm taking her health into account!" Ariel growled, making my eyes widen slightly.

"Ariel's right, you can't throw all this shit at her and then expect her to go to training after words," Belial stated in agreement, making Ariel smile smugly.

"We don't have time to fuck around guys, she needs to learn how to defend herself and control herself," Rahab countered, taking Ioael's side.

"Let's not argue about this right now. Michelle, are you okay with training today or not?" Cassiel said in a calm voice, looking at me expectantly.

Hell's Personal Assassin: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now