•Chapter 1•

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{Riley pov}

*Ring Ring*
Ugh stupid alarm just let me sleep.
I put my alarm off still with my eyes closed.

Another school day.
I open my eyes and get out of bed I walk to my closet to get my outfit for the day. I chose a simple outfit I got some ripped jeans and a black hoodie.
I go in to my bathroom I put on my clothes and brush my teeth and hair. When that was done I walked out of the bathroom and got my school bag. I walk downstairs and was greeted by my mom and brother sitting at the dinner table. Dad must already be at work. My mom's name is Rose and my brother's is Jayden. And my dad's name is Liam.

"Morning" I said while sitting down at the table.
"Good morning sweetie how did you sleep?" My mom asked.
"I slept well mom"
"Hey sis so real quick I can't bring you home today I have to do some stuff so can you get one of your friends to like bring you home" Jayden asked me.
"No worries I'll just take the bus but why can't you bring me home." I asked him.
"Got some work stuff to do"

A few minutes later I finish breakfast so I go and put my shoes on when I was done I got my bag and me and Jayden went to his car. We got in and were on our way to school.

Im a senior and my brother already graduated but because I still don't know how to drive my brother will bring me to school and normally he would pick me up to but today I guess not.

We arrive at school and I already see my little group waiting for me. We are a group of 5 me, Julia, Amanda,Andrew and Mason.
We met each other when we were freshmans I met Julia in my first periode she is so funny and I can always laugh with her. Then the next one is Amanda me and Julia were getting lunch when we saw her sitting alone so we joined her and now we are great friends then after those 2 I met Mason and Andrew in gym class I just asked If I could just hang with them and they agreed and after that day we have been best friends.

I get out of the car and say thank you to my brother and ran to my friends.
I get pulled in a hug with Amanda and Julia.

"Hey girl how are you?" Amanda said while we stopped hugging each other.
"I'm fine how are you guys" I asked.
"We are all doing fine we were waiting on you." Julia said.
"yeah and you took your time normally your the first one here." Andrew said.
"Yeah sorry kinda woke up to late" I told them with a giggle.
"It doesn't matter at least your here now but we got to get inside before the bell rings or else we will be late. And trust me I don't want to deal with that again" Mason said.
"Okay C'mon let's go" I said while we all started walking.

When we were inside I walked to my locker to get my books for my first and second periode. But I stop when I see Tylar the biggest player of the school at my locker.
He has been bugging me for like 3 weeks now I guess I'm his new target because else he woudn't have ever looked at me.

I walk up to my locker and Tylar saw me this is going to be fun.

"Hey Princess" he said to me.

I just ignore him and open my locker putting my locker door in his face. I get my books and put them in my bag I close my locker and tell him.

"Listen Tylar we both know what your trying to do here and it's not going to work go find yourself a girl who will trow themselfs at you but leave me alone because you are really getting on my nerves."
And with that I walk to my first periode which I have with Julia.

I walk into class and find Julia already sitting at a table. I walk up to her and take the seat next to her.

"Okay Riley so I have a Question" Julia said.
"And that is?" I ask her.
"Me and Amanda are going shopping after school for the party tonight and we know you don't really like parties but please come with us. Even the guys are going and they said that they will keep you company please!" She said while giving me her best puppy eyes.
"Ugh I really don't like parties but I'll go just this ones." I tell her.
"Great!!!" She said with a big smile on her face.

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