Chapter 2 : A New Beginning

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  Nikki, Nan, and Sam were just coming back from Paris.

Nikki decided that Paris was perfect for her Instagram, and she wasn't wrong. She also donated large sums of money earned from endorsements to charities in Paris.

Nan had finished a press event and met some fans, and exhaustion was catching up to her.
And Sam had one of her paintings hung in a Parisian museum. She was beyond excited, and currently was already sketching in her sketchbook again.
"I'm not looking forward to seeing Sunny and Shrimpy again," Nikki muttered, thinking of her two friends.
Sunny and Shrimpy were first-cousins and managed to hate each other. And physically fight every millisecond. Sawyer(Shrimpy) hated it, and tried not to care, but when Sunny rammed his head into Sawyer's stomach, it was hard not to care.

Instead of taking a flight like a normal person, Sam had teleported her other two friends into the house the three of them shared.
"I should probably visit my parents and Beth, should we meet up here in around ten minutes?" Nan asked the two of them.
Nikki and Sam nodded. "Sounds great!" Nikki said.
"Okay, I called Sawyer and Sunny, and you can bring Beth, then we'll drive. I don't know where the boarding school is, so I can't teleport us there," Sam said.
Nan gave her a thumbs up, "M'kay. Up up and away!" Nan said, and with a pop she disappeared.
Sam and Nikki looked at each other. "Should we?" Nikki asked.

Sam nodded. Nikki didn't even need to telepathically communicate. The bond between the two sisters was tight.
Sam hugged Nikki tightly as she teleported them to their house.


In fifteen minutes, everybody was at the house they shared, and Sunny was there, pinching Sawyer, who had his earbuds plugged in, and black hoodie covering half of his face.
Beth was riding shotgun, Nikki and Sam sat in the middle two seats, Sunny and Sawyer were in the back, and Sawyer's back was hunched over from his height, and Nan was driving.
"Of course I won my gymnastics competition," Beth said to Sunny.
"Huh? Gymnastics is so easy, I can do gymnastics, so it's not that special, huh?" Sunny said in his hammering loud voice. It was crammed in the back, and Sunny's dog, Bud, a golden retriever, had to fit in the back too.
"No you can't! Being able to walk on a balance beam is not gymnastics Sunny!" Beth argued, angry at Sunny for being his usual greedy, all-mighty self.

"Huh? I can shapeshift into God Elizabeth, so I'm really better than you!" Sunny argued. Sunny having shapeshifting abilities had gone to his head. "And I'm a famous gamer too!"
Sunny could be too greedy for money sometimes and liked to keep it to himself and had never donated a penny in his life. He also lied and manipulated people when it was convenient but had good intentions most of the time.

Beth rolled her eyes. Despite being the youngest and a year younger than Sunny, she was usually the more mature one.
"Bud hates you because you rolled your eyes at me!" Sunny yelled. "And he wants to kill you, but he doesn't want to get arrested, so he won't!"
At this, Nan pulled into the driveway. The only thing she was looking forward to in a boarding school for people with special abilities was being with her sister, Nikki, and Sam.
Of course, and her maltipoo, Frankie Cactus Bonham Kennedy. He got along really well with Bud.
Right now however, Bud licked Beth's hand, as if to prove that he didn't want to 'kill' Beth or 'hate' her like Sunny had claimed.
"And Bud is better than Frankie!" Sunny yelled.
At first, Nan had taken this personally, when Sunny had insulted an eight-week old Frankie as a puppy, but then she realized that Sunny just had a big ego and she learned to not take it personally.
"You're right Sunny, Bud is better than Frankie," Nan said with a sigh.

As usual, Sawyer didn't say a word and was on his phone, playing PUB-G.
She opened up the car door. "You know Nan, you have a very ugly car. I'm saving for a Lamborghini instead of a dumb vintage car. It's so ugly and old," Sunny said.
Nan rolled her eyes again, but couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation at Sunny. She loved the car, which was a light blue convertible from the 50's and it made her feel like she was living in a music video.
"Why are we going to this boarding school again?" Sawyer grumbled.
Nikki and Sam waited outside, and Frankie immediately barked in joy and greeted Bud and Nan.
"Bud hates all of you because you don't worship me, even when I can shapeshift into God!" Sunny said loudly.
Sam rolled her eyes at him, "Of course. Bud will kill us once it's legal. Kill me already so I don't have to hear you say the same thing a million times a day!"

Nan laughed, "I know right?"
"He thinks gymnastics is super easy, even though it takes hard work, and that's coming from somebody with extreme flexibility abilities," Beth explained.
"Of course he does," Nikki muttered.
"Stop pinching me!" Sawyer yelled. He towered over Sunny. "You all are so embarrassing to be around," he grumbled.
Nikki pushed a few words into Sam, Nan, and Beth's heads.
"We're embarrassed to be with him!"
This sent the four girls giggling, and it was true. With Sunny's cheap personality, and Sawyer's emo personality, they were as different from the four girls as possible.
Sawyer had troll DNA, and unfortunately, that meant he didn't look that... great. And he didn't have a great personality either.

Beth was still in her after-practice outfit, a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt with a leotard underneath. But she still looked better than Sunny.
"I have to record some gaming because I'm great and great people aren't lazy idiots and have things to do, and I'll see you people later, come on Bud," Sunny said. Despite his brash personality, Sunny still loved his dog.
Frankie circled around everybody, and Nan picked him up, he licked her jaw. He didn't like the taste of Nan's BB cream.
Nan ran a hand through his fur. Her hair, which had previously been long with a dark blue to light blue ombre was now still black but had bubblegum pink tips and was cut to her collarbone. Frankie found her new hair amusing and pawed at it.
"We can load the luggage into the van picking us up soon," Sawyer said. He only spoke when it was essential.
Frankie barked, and he squirmed to go into Sam's arms. He loved attention. Soon enough, as instructed, a long black van came, and they all packed their luggage in, and had to listen to Sunny talk to everybody about how he was greater than everybody else.

Sawyer let out an angry grunt, and sounded like well... a troll.

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