Chapter 23: Hang with the Gang!

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  Nan, Nikki, Sam and Beth were in their dorm, casually studying since it was a rainy day.

"Ugh, this homework is going to take forever! Why can't they just let us actually use our powers instead of making us write about how our powers are made?" Sam whined, laying her head on her desk.

"I never knew they would actually have the patience to give us homework anyway," Nikki said, sipping her tea.

"Yeah, right now I could've been taking pictures for Vogue. Vogue! Do you know how rare it is for undereage people to go on the cover!" Nan complained. The school had barely ever given them homework, so they weren't used to it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Please don't be something unexpected like everytime someone knocks!" Nan said, clasping her hands.

"I'll get it, I guess." Sam said tip-toeing to the door.

She opened it, and saw Madam Ella standing there with what looked like a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Hello, girls, I just wanted to remind you that our school dance is coming up in a few days, so be sure to prepare for that. The details are in the invitation, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all there," she hissed. She was not looking forward to it at all, and simply wanted nobody to attend. On her dating app, a Russian prince wanted to meet her. But instead she had to babysit a bunch of hormonal teenagers who were practically terrorists.

"Thank you," Sam said, taking the invitation and returning a fake smile back to Madam Ella. She quietly shut the door, but when Madam Ella was gone, she re-opened it and slammed it.

"Goodness, these little brats," Madam Ella muttered from outside. Soon enough, they could hear her heels loudly klinking across the hallway. Sam had a worried look on her face.

"Oops, didn't know she was still there, heheh!" She said, quickly walking away from the door. "But look, It's an invitation to the..." she paused to read the invitation clearly, "Mid-Fall Dance, Friday, October 15th!"
"Knowing this crappy school, I'm going to the planning committee, and I'm bringing Harrison right away, us theatre kids know how to do things," Nan proclaimed, and raced out of the room.

"There is so much drama going on in our lives," Beth muttered.

"I know right, the most normal day for us so far was Frankie talking and confessing her gender dysmorphia," Sam agreed.

"We should just record everything that happens today, it'll be super fun, and Sunny can help, since he's a gamer, and he's really good with cameras," Nikki suggested.

"Sure, I'll talk to my husband," Beth joked, and quickly texted Sunny, who showed up a couple seconds, panting heavily like a dog.

"Hey, anybody wanna record?" Sunny asked.

"Yes, we should just walk around the school, and something will probably happen," Beth suggested.
"Let's go into my dorm," Sunny snickered. "Then Nikki can post Thirupathi Raju and the elf on her Youtube channel," he suggested.
"Elf?" Sam questioned.
"Elf, munchkin, mouse, ant, same thing," Sunny laughed, tummy jiggling. "Dipankar, who else?"
Beth pressed her mouth into a thin line as Sam and Nikki burst into laughter.

"Oh right, how could I forget that elf?" Nikki snickered, slapping her palm on her face. "I'm so stupid," she joked.

"Nobody's stupider than Tucker," Sunny growled. "He's so stupid with his constant meditation and chakra music and his stupid little chihuahua since golden retrivers like Bud are better, and his spiritual healing and his stupid surf langauge. And the only reason I don't want to kill him is that his little chihuahua is Bud's girlfriend. He really deserves a chk chk in the head," he remarked, his lips curling in suppressed annoyance.
"Chk chk," Beth did, pointing finger guns at everybody.
"Beth, that's my thing!" Sunny whined, and immediately Beth stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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