Chapter 7 : True Colors

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"Anyway, I'm coach Brian, as you can tell," Brian said and chuckled. His laugh sounded like a dying horse. Another addition to his ugly self.
"Hey is class over?" The poofy curly-haired redhead named Merida called out.

"Of course it is!" Lorenzo said with a smile in his usual hissing voice, his tail swishing in the air.
Merida grimaced, her big teeth showing.
The five 'friends' quickly rushed out of the gym.

Beth however, stayed behind, planting another kiss on Dipankar. She had never felt love before. She knew why there were so many songs about it, and she felt like she belonged in a Taylor Swift song. She never wanted the feeling to go away, the passion, the intensity, the love, the thought of being loved so deeply. She felt mature and it would last forever. Dipankar and her would have beautiful children and grow old in a Switzerland farm, on the same porch where Dipankar's grandparents lived currently. With the memory of his Swiss grandmother, Ruth, residing in the walls of the home.

"PARTY AT 7 IN MY DORM!!!" T.R yelled again.

"I don't know why, but something seems off about that guy,"Nikki pointed out.

"Yeah... I mean, he looks normal, but I totally think he's up to something," Nan agreed.

"We'll have to figure out at the party, though," Sam said.


At T.R's dorm party, almost everyone came. Him yelling all over the place to come to his party surprisingly attracted attention from more people than expected.

"Hey, where's the food?" Sunny asked eagerly to T.R. His stomach growled in response, and he clutched it, smiling anxiously.

"Um.. we have some yummy Basmati Rice, my favorite! And we have some curry and chapathi!" T.R. boasted.

Sunny frowned. "Nevermind, I'm too full. I just remembered that I already ate," he lied. He turned around so T.R. wouldn't see and gagged. He did not want T.R's food.

Dipankar joined in and said, "Oooooh, chubby kid can't resist, huh?"

Sunny sharply turned to Dipankar, fury filling his body.


He tried to slap Dipankar, who was now backing up into a wall. Dipankar definitely messed with the wrong person. But Dipankar would show Beth that he was, indeed, a man.

He first tried to send a blow on Sunny's stomach. It wasn't much, considering Sunny's weight, but it was something at least.

"Go sweetheart, sock em in the nose Dippy!" Beth yelled, already acting like a doting wife, even though she was just thirteen. She should've had her first boyfriend at this age. Not her first husband.

Dipankar's attempted punch made Sunny all the more enraged, though.

"Fight me!" Sunny yelled, and threw himself onto Dipankar. Dipankar gasped for air as Sunny was sitting on top of him. And he didn't look like he was going to move anytime soon. He tried to shove Sunny off of him, but that made him push harder down on him. What was he doing? This was the time to show Beth his strength, what a heroic husband he could be! He couldn't be a weak coward in front of his fiancé.
Even Beth frowned slightly, embarrassed for the love of her life.

"Don't you ever call me chubby again you weakling," Sunny said angrily, and he resembled Sawyer when he was threatening people. Except on him it was actually scary.

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