Chapter 20:Yellow Balloon and Red Blood

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 They had gotten back, Beth had gotten discharged and it was their first day back. Sunny had stuck a yellow balloon on the back of Shrimpy's shirt, not that he noticed. He was playing PUBG, so he probably wouldn't ever see it in a million years.

Sunny had found the balloon next to a sewer, so he decided to take it and make it have a purpose, which was to humiliate Sawyer.

Meanwhile, Nan, Nikki, Sam and Beth were all at a nearby cafe, grabbing some food. They just wanted to have a normal day after all they had been through over the past week. Plus none of them had barely eaten anything, so they were pretty hungry.

"Yum!" Nikki said, taking a bite out of a croissant."How did we not even realize this place was a thing?!"

"I know right," Sam added. "It's crazy! This stuff is delicious!"

Nan stood up and threw her napkin into the trash. "I can not get enough!" Sam smiled and nodded her head, really fast.

"Anyways," Nikki started. "How was therapy, Beth? You seem a lot happier now!"

"Yeah, my therapist was really nice, she took all the tension and bad vibes out of me, you have no idea how serene I feel right now," Beth said, fiddling with her cupcake. "I'm still really worried about Dippy, though. Sunny just is a horrible person, with no respect. I can't believe he's my husband."

"Actually..." Sam said, "It isn't really Sunny who's the bad guy here. I mean, he did save you from getting married to this part Korean idiot that acts like he knows what he's doing, when he really doesn't. You guys are literally 13 and 14, remember that."

Beth felt as if she got slapped in the face. How could she say that?

But her therapist had said something that even though Sunny may have done it for the wrong intentions that it was something you'd do about someone you cared about, and maybe Dipankar was bad, but afterwards she had seen a change in him. Dipankar, and Sunny.
Sunny was still a selfish idiot, but he had cared and fought for Nikki, Sam, and Nan, he'd looked at the surgeries and he could've gotten arrested for trespassing. He could've just sat there scheming or doing his own things, but instead, he came for them. Which meant he truly did care about them.
He also would have gotten arrested for terrosism in Switzerland, but she'd thought about starting fresh with Sunny.

Dipankar seemed to care about her more, instead of liking her for her money and her Olympic gold medals. And therapy seemed to give her more perspective, getting unbiased opinions, and the people she met in the ward were people who were worse than her, and she made some new friends there too. She also got to know Merida a little better, since she was slightly autistic and had come to the ward with her to reduce her anxiety and stress from the earlier events.

Her therapist said that Dipankar seemed to be a gold digger, but he had visited her all the time during visiting hours, and the therapist later said that Dipankar seemed to be more genuine.

"Oh yeah, also forgot to mention," Nan said, clasping her hands tightly. "Thirupathi Raju got taken away by security at the hospital." She beamed to herself, her friends and her sister, wondering what Harrison would think of him now.

Beth gasped. "No way!" she cried. "He was bad? I thought he was just this dumb clueless kid with no sense of hygiene, but definitely not evil," she said, completely surprised.

"Turns out he's ugly both inside and out," Nikki stated while eating her cupcake.

"And guess who called him out on his actions?" Sam said, twirling her finger around her cup of tea. "Rajesh Raju."

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